forum Help?

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Well, of course he's one dimensional. You don't know a thing about him! I recommend either starting with the motivation or the backstory. The motivation will tell you about the backstory, or vice versa. Try googling or looking on Pinterest for villain motivations. Revenge, love, believing he's right and it's for the greater good, are all common. For his backstory, brainstorm his place in your universe. Where did he come from? Why is he here? Any tragedies? Whose fault were the tragedies? Relationships? Etc. After you've figured out motive and backstory, everything else should start to flow. Make sure he isn't just "evil". He needs to have hobbies, talents, and personality, outside of just being the villain. Remember, a villain typically doesn't know he's the villain –he thinks he's the hero. (Unless you have a really broken/insane villain who wants to wreck stuff because he has nothing to lose.)

Be careful of his name. It's quite cliché. The Dark Dragon sounds one dimensional. However, the name won't matter much if you flesh him out! Clichés can be cool if you put your own personal twist on them.

Good luck! Hope I helped.


Did ya read what I wrote? Seriously, Pinterest has some of the best villain motivations. Once you find a motivation you should be able to figure it out from there. If not, scrap the whole idea and make a villain that fits your story. I don't know what else to tell ya.


OOoohhh he's much better! He seems pretty badass. Good job! For a name, just go to a random name generator and find something that sounds cool to you. That's how I named like all of my characters.