forum Give me some cool boy names.
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 20 followers

Deleted user

I honestly can't find one I like. I want to make a story about a boy who can see emotions or sense them. Any good names?


Cool is definitely subjective! That said, I've got a couple I think are pretty cool.
Asterion, Atlas, Byron, Brynmor, Cedar, Crow, Dorian, Eldon, Gustav, Helius, Aizack, Siencyn, Nicodemos, etc..

Deleted user

Thanks for the ideas from here I do have some I like.

  • Jax
  • Atlas
  • Cedar
  • Crow

I would add Byron but, I have a character from a different story with the name Bryan so…0~0
I want more modern names but, these I all like, especially Cedar.