forum Doubts about a story
Started by @Tam

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Quite honestly I haven't written in years (apart from lessons and RPG's on a Harry Potter site). So I find myself stuck lately getting started again. The past week I've been trying to gather a plot or at least a subject. Since I enjoy reading a wide variaty genres I don't care much for what genre to write in. However even when it's fantasy I still want it to be logical and well… Possible somehow.

The story I had in mind would be about the Seven Deadly Sins. Each would be represented by an immortal person sentenced to roam the earth forever. They would have been the first male or female alive to commit that sin. They all come from different centuries, places, and cultures since the sin would have had to be committed to a certain degree for the punishment to be this severe.
The plot and problems in the story would possibly include; some relishing in immorality, others seeing it as a true curse, eventual selve loathing, their pasts haunting them, one eventually searching for a way to die (only way to do this could be that they all should die for example).

However the problem is (this might not be completely correct, I read it on a couple of websites) that the 'new' catholic church proclaims that it is NOT unforgivable. So I feel like there is a gap in the story. Is there anyone who would like to offer their opinion or thoughts on this?


are you looking into the fact that the new catholic church (of reality, i.e. our world) is now saying that these deadly sins are forgivable? because it would mess up the congruity of your story/world? (ima little confused)


are you looking into the fact that the new catholic church (of reality, i.e. our world) is now saying that these deadly sins are forgivable? because it would mess up the congruity of your story/world? (ima little confused)

Yes, that's the problem I'm having.


I think that the story would still be good even if the new catholic church is contrary to the church in your story. I honestly, as a reader, wouldn't be mad if I read something that was a little bit wrong because you're not claiming that your world is reality. It'd be different if you said that your story took place in the real world, cause then you have to follow all the rules. But when it's your world, you make the rules!