forum Destroy My Children
Started by @Lightningclaw13 group

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Ayana: Love the detail about her talking to her reflection, it shows her young age and imagination. Edit: I read through her history and wow nevermind that's a clear sign of PTSD, a very accurate manifestation at that. I see that you trail off into 'until…' for the history, and that Tristan, her adoptive father, is listed as an arch-nemesis: I can sort of connect the dots there but it's unclear what happens that ruins Ayana's happily ever after, maybe add to that. Same for the rest of the characters.

Lily: What does her claustrophobia stem from? How did she become blind, and is this prior to her happily ever after being shattered or after Tristan and Karla adopting her and Ayana?

Cole: Can't see many issues here.

Dakota: First of all YES A DEMIGIRL I HAVEN'T SEEN THAT AT ALL ON THIS SITE. You say they're human, and yet they have oddly spiked ears that make me doubt that? Is it just the art style? When did Dakota start talking again? When did they transition from depressed and mute to cheerful, playful and social?

(There seems to be a bit of a love triangle between Cole, Dakota and Seth. Simply out of curiousity what's that about? ^^) Other than that a very compelling cast of characters, I especially don't see a lot of young kids as major characters so that's very interesting! Keep up the good work, I hope this is at least mildly helpful :)

@Lightningclaw13 group

Ayana: Thank you! I plan on making a webcomic about them so I'm still making parts of it (though I do have what happened after figured out) and this website is a place where I can refine my characters, and eventually (when I write it) my story!

Lily: Her mom would leave her in her room and tell her not to come out. She was confined in that space for a good while, only coming out to eat and things like that. That'll be explained in the webcomic but it does come after Tristan and Karla adopt her.

Dakota: Yeah, at first, I just was going to make them a girl but after a while I wanted to make them non-binary! I still wanted them to identify (at least a little) with being a girl so I googled around and found demigirl! It's just how the humans in that universe looks (do to me not being able to draw normal ears to save my life). When they decided to leave. They told their brother and mom and left, then they slowly started to speak again. Around the time they met Cole. Cole really opened them up!

The gist of it is, Seth has a huge crush on Cole while Cole likes Dakota and they like him back. Dakota actually finds out about Seth's huge crush for Cole (as they're pretty close friends later in the story). They're cool with it and Seth promised not to tell him, seeing as they both really liked one another.

Thank you! I think that's kinda why I wanted some younger main characters. It was! Again thank you!


:) :) :) :) Glad I could help! And thank you for that extra info. Good luck with your story/webcomic!! ^^