Looks good to me! First off, I love all the artwork that's attached to her gallery - super cute! You do seem to have several of the same images in there, however. Where did she get all her nicknames from, and does she introduce herself as any of them over her name? Her weight to height ratio looks good - congrats! I don't see much of that here ^^. You describe her hair as chocolate coloured - are you going for milk or dark chocolate? For her skin tone, pale but tan is sort of a contradiction. Maybe lightly tanned would work better? Also, her identifying traits: you only have her birthmark listed, but from the art I can see she also has ears and tails! I would definitely list them here, along with any other information you can think of. Does she have freckles or moles anywhere? Old scars from her childhood?
Her mannerisms need more information. You only have that she hums a lot, but does she rock on her toes while she does it? How does she speak - with her hands, or her whole body? Softly - Loudly? How does she hold herself when she's not talking? Does she fidget when she's bored or nervous? How? Why are her friends and Kynzz her motivations? Does she want something out of life - if so, what? Her flaws also need some more meat. What part of her personality does she not like to show to people? What lengths would she go to for Kynzz and her friends? How shy is she?
Give that girl some prejudices, too! What sort of people does she dislike - rude ones, ones who disrespect her friends, mean ones, etc.? Everyone has them, even if they'd rather not admit it. You mention that she plays piano and ukulele, how good is she at them? Would they be considered one of her talents as well? Is she super good at listening to other people? Or always sees the best in them? Why does she hate talking about her parents? You also put that she doesn't care for politics, but where does she stand on policies like queer rights, gun control, abortion, etc.? Most teens are super opinionated about everything, not just politics. You also list her occupation as none - is she a student? What is she doing with her life? I would ask why her favourite food is ramen, but I already know the answer to that question lmao. Why is her necklace her favourite possession? Is she proficient with swords - can she pick up and skillfully use a zweihander or kodachi? If so, write that under talents!
Gasp! Her history page is bare! How well is she educated, if she went to high school was it in a well-off neighbourhood or in one of the poorer ones? Did she retain most of what she was taught - did she seek out knowledge on her own? Did she breeze by and have everything go in one ear and out the other? What's her backstory? Why is she a kitsune, how does she get on with others of her species? How many tails has she earned? What was she doing before the start of the story? Details, details!
Overall, I think she's a pretty cute character with a lot of potential, but don't be afraid to take your time to fill out the sections available to you on this site! Or, if you have stuff about her that doesn't fit in any of them, create new categories! Good luck, and hoped this gave you a few things to think about! ^^