forum critique?
Started by @FantaPop

people_alt 7 followers


(@ self stop making so many threads)

Okay so, these fools are background characters, but there's no sense in just leaving them 2d (no such thing as too much information, right?), so opinions would be lovely on them. For reference, they're fraternal twins.

Aleksi: Aleksandr Katsaros
Shir: Ardeshir Katsaros


Oof I'll give it a go since you did my twins!

I'll do Aleksandr first! Hmm, I think you can put something else on Identifying marks. Like does he have any freckles? Scars? Bruises? Also, you mention in one of his motivations is getting out of 'the temple.' What temple and why does he want to get out of it? Is he trapped? Is he with his brother?
Ahh you say he isn't good at magic, does he know how to do it though? Can his brother do it well and if so, is he jealous? You almost mention someone named Yannick? Who is he to him? Is he really important to the story in some way? Hmm thats about all I have for him lol. Good job!

Ahh I have to go, I might to Ardeshir later if I have time, anyways, good luck!


@Celestial-B thanks for the input! Yannick's one of the main characters, so I'm just working on getting his background and environment fleshed out ^^;
I still want them to feel like good characters even if they end up getting like, three lines.