forum Critique my Story idea?
Started by @AJ

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I've come up with a story I call "Draw Me Closer" (thinking it'll probably be a movie or graphic novel since that's kinda my niche). Here is my super rough summary:

Travis♂, Beckett♂, and Finley♀(names subject to change) were best friends throughout middle school and high school. Travis and Finley end up attending the same community college, while Beckett goes off to art school to become a cartoonist. After a while, they lose touch with him.

Upon graduation, Travis and Finley decide they want to find Beckett to catch up on old times, but that turns out to be harder than they thought it would be. But with a bit of digging on their parts, they discover that Beckett had dropped out of school suddenly, and he is living alone in a condemned house near a small town in rural Oregon. Needless to say, this scares them.

They eventually find out that (somehow, I haven't figured out exactly how yet) Beckett's cartoon characters have been brought to life- and he can't get away.

I literally came up with this like, a day ago, so that's why it might feel a bit choppy. My problem here is that I feel like this has been done before, but I'm not sure.

Advice, comments, critiques?


I think it sounds interesting and unique. Similar things have been done, yes, but the whole point of writing, at least in my opinion, is using the influence of others' ideas and turn them into something else unique. I think this is vague enough to go in many directions. On one hand, you could have it go down a more horror-esc route where the cartoon characters are murderous or otherwise evil. It could also go down the action or adventure style thing. Maybe even mystery. It just depends on what the friend decides to use this ability for. I think connecting it with your mood at any given time, good or bad, could be good material for each volume. It doesn't seem like the sort of thing where there could be a real plot going on so much as several connected short stories, maybe. Just my thoughts, though. Whatever you decide, I hope you enjoy writing it, if you ever do!


story ideas are hard to critique because most things have been done before. However, I really like this idea. it has the potential to be scary, in an old fashioned cat and mouse style, or even a psychological thriller where the cartoons aren't actually real, but the guy thinks they are. anyway, whatever route you choose to take, as long as you use your unique voice, perspective, and characters, it should be great.


Yes! I totally think you should go forward with this idea!
My idea as to how Beckett's cartoon characters have been brought to life would be that Beckett has some kind of dark family secret (or something) that he has been hiding from his friends the entire time and makes for an interesting plot twist! Maybe Beckett has some kind of power that makes these characters come to life and the three friends need to figure out how he can control this power.
Or, as an alternative plot line, you could have Beckett be suddenly evil and turn against his friends with his army of animated creatures!