@Imperfect_Autumn group
Just something I'm working on for a book. It's not completely finished, and it's pretty short, but I just wanted to see what others think of it.
By the way, the characters are superheroes (and villains), which is why time stopped.
I stood, silent except for my heavy breathing, across from the leader of the ALPHA Team as he held the knife to Bryce’s throat. His cold, pale blue eyes pinned me in place, daring me to step closer so he could slit my boyfriend’s (ex-boyfriend’s?) throat. There was nothing I could do. He would kill him.
“Avery,” Bryce whispered hoarsely, drawing my watery gaze to him. He gave me a small, wavering smile. “I love you. Always.”
Blood pooled on the floor in front of him, and his eyes rolled back into his head. I choked on a sob before crumpling to the ground, the fighting around me slowing to a stop as all eyes turned to me. To Bryce. To the blood running down his neck, onto his suit, and finally dripping down onto the floor.
The world around me stopped. It just stopped. No one moved, blinked, or even breathed.
Courtney stood demurely by me, her hand on my shoulder. I hadn’t even noticed that she had walked over until she was the only person moving, other than myself. I looked up at her, vision blurred by the torrent of tears coming from my eyes, and saw that she was crying as well. After pulling me to my feet, she wrapped her arms around me in a tight embrace.
I can’t remember the last time I hugged my little sister. We’ve just never really been the type to do that, not for as long as I can remember, anyway. So her arms around me just caused more tears to slip from their dungeon behind my eyelids.