forum Critique My Character?
Started by @TenalachGuardian

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This character is very interesting!

I feel like you have a good sense of who they are as a person/what they value.

I like his backstory, and the only questions or concerns I really have are moreso about the world/story than the character himself. For example, I'm curious if the "useless" lightning magic he has been given will be utilized at all for story purposes, or if it's just tacked on? Is wolf-shifting a part of his shadow magic or just who he his?

But besides that I found him to be a really solid character! (Though I'm no professional)


@Buntecha Thank you! The lightning is used for story purposes. Those who are more in tune with the flow of energy in magic would be able to sense it, particularly dragons, for whom this is a sort of 6th sense. They would be very freaked out, and wondering why this person seems to be part dragon. Also, a somewhat silly and less important bit is that there are lots of little leaks of energy from it, there's static electricity when the touch things more frequently than for other people. The wolf-shifting is just a part of their species, though the shadow magic helps, as it helps one to disconnect from their shape.

@Raziel Gallephraya

Heyo! If I were you I would consider revising the body type and the weight, they don't really correlate. That's literally all I can find, the backstory is awesome, Rowan seems pretty awesome too. Good luck in writing this character, I'm curious to see you develop them!