forum Critique my character and alien races
Started by @n o s t r a d a m u s location_city

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@n o s t r a d a m u s location_city

I'm writing a new novel and am working on characters at the moment, specifically my main character because she spends a vast majority of the book on her own, so I want to make her as realistic as possible, she does share some of my traits. So please critique the living hell out of her!

This is a sci fi / adventure novel based on the premise of humans being the "alien invaders" on an Earth-like planet that was presumed to have no life but could potentially sustain us, until existing life is found on the planet. So feel free to critique my races as well:


Ok! I'll have a go at her..

She is a decent amount of weight for her height which is good because a lot of people tend to make their characters suppppperrr underweight, not on purpose though. You say her eyes are brown, one thing I love to read is when people describe the colors of hair/eyes. Instead of saying her eyes are brown, say they are copper, or tree bark brown. Also, you mentioned she is pale from being in space?!? That is pretty cool but you say next to nothing after it. Like I say a lot, explain!
You say she has a nervous tic, what is it? Is it bouncing her leg? Hyperventilating? Explain! Also, you say she has prejudices against those things, why does she prejudice against them?
Another thing, you say her personality type is INTP, but that doesn't explain much unless you know EXACTLY what that is. Tell us shes bubbly and always excited! Or that shes a perfectionist and has to have everything her way!
Lol, I like that you said her favorite color is black, like her soul. Made me laugh a bit xD
WOAH, holD IT RIGHT THERE! Her background is literally BLANK!!! That is a huuuugeee red flag and a giant no no. Telling me she is a child prodigy says next to nothing other than she was smart. Tell us about her parents, how they treated her as a child. Did she have any siblings? Best friends? Is she still friends with them now? Any major events happen in her life that make her the way she is now? Why is she in space like you mentioned before. Why does she want to 'stick it to the man' like you said in her motivations. What happened to her in her childhood that made her such a control freak and so Neurotic? And why she doesn't like dogs. There is so much you can put in a characters background it is amazing! Don't leave it blank, fill it up with everything you can think off!!!

Hope I helped and good luck with the character!