forum Critique?
Started by @Celestial-B

people_alt 2 followers


Sometimes you just need a second opinion on your characters lol, would someone mind doing that to my precious girl and boy?

And possibly critique this quick summary of the plot i'm working on?
Keep in mind I don't have quite everything figured out yet, so it might seem a little bit everywhere

In the year 2XXX, the Crystalites had been forced to leave their planet after it ran out of resources to continue populating. Trillions of miles away, they found a larger planet similar in mineral properties to theirs, Earth. Sadly, Earth was already being inhabited by Humans. But "The System" had a way of solving that problem. "The System" killed off as many humans as possible within a few years and soon, the planet was available for moving in. "The System started working on repopulating with their own species, the Crystalites and began mining gemstones. Eventually, humans formed groups to try and fight back with them, but the Crystalites over powered Humans with their powers and the last few known groups of humans died. A mother knew she and her daughter would die during the attack, but she couldn't stand the though of her daughter not living her full life, so she left her in a forest next to a nice Crystalite family she knew and ran. The daughter was found by the families oldest son and they took her in. Harmony knows she is Human and that she is most likely the last human on Earth, which is hard for her to think about. But what happens when the Crystalites around her gems start to become corrupt and she has to figure out why and stop it?

Like I said, its kind of iffy because I just thought of this like last week lol.
And you don't have to critique both the characters and the plot if you don't want to! One or the other is fine! :3
Thanks in advance!


Hey so your plot sounds intriguing. I like that scifi star wars/doctor who vibe I'm getting from the premise. However, it kind of seems like you have two different stories here, and you should either focus on Harmony's last human arch and simplify the rest as background info that you can insert into her story, or you should write the Crystalites story about conquering Earth. Both are good options, but it seems as though you have less of a clear idea of what you want Harmony's story to be about. Anyway that's my two cents. It sounds like a great story. Good luck :)


Thanks for the tip! I was thinking that myself. And I think i'm going focus more on her being the last human and stuff while the rest is just more of background info you know? again, thanks!


Sounds like a good direction. Just incase you were interested or needed some more help, here are some things to think about: are all of the Crystalites terrible/human haters, or would some feel guilty about the system and want to protect harmony (would some see her, if not equal to crystalites as either a pet or endangered species? What do crystalites look like (for instance could Harmony pass for one in a pinch or has she been forced into almost complete isolation all of her life. If the later that should likely have a profound impact on her character)


I've also though of those a lot recently. Not all of the Crystalites hate humans, most of them are just brain washed by the small government to think that. Harmony's adoptive parents (her mother died in one of the last known human groups on Earth) are Crystalites and the reason they took her in is because they knew her mother and didn't agree with what their government was doing. And she can easily pass as a Crystalite. The Crystalite's gemstones contain their powers and their powers control what form they are able to take. The Human form is one of the easiest forms they can use, so most of the time they stay in their human forms. But, Harmony does not have a gemstone like the rest of the Crystalites. So she must stay at home or in the area most of the time unless her adoptive parents give her permission to go with one of her adoptive brothers somewhere.
Thanks! That has actually given me a lot to think about.