forum Can someone give my tips on my glichty girl
Started by @NotSoBeautifulDiseaster group

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@NotSoBeautifulDiseaster group

Note this get into very dark territory such as abuse and such

My first antagonist Invalid Character was basically the heroine of an, in a nutshell, a Diabolik Loverz knockoff combined with those Marked by the alpha stories,

She in her backstory was characterized by being a "weak" heroine, too kind for her good, naive, a klutz, a doormat and easily bullied, that type of stuff, who got driven to insanity by endless abuse, hate and victimblaming

The problem with her is she is supposed to be redeemable, but I don't want her to get off easily due to her past, ironically as her love interests did with their fangirls, seeing that she put a bunch of people out a job and reduce a teenager to crying mess, also I don't really know what to do with her after she is defeated and redeemed