forum Beta Reader? (for a fantasy novel)
Started by @Lupout

people_alt 2 followers


So I'm writing a book, and I'm about 6 chapters in right now. I could really use a person or two to read along and critique the flow and just give general thoughts on it. Anyone interested?


I could help!

That would be so great! Please give your blatant opinion whenever possible. If you think you wouldn't have kept reading past a certain chapter for some reason, or think the pasing is off make sure to let me know so that I can improve the story. I'll DM you the link. I have commenting turned on so you can leave suggestions directly on the document or comment them in the DM thread. Thanks so much :)


Yes I would love that! I can share my doc with you in DM, and you can comment on the doc, or in the DM thread. (PS I hate how my writing is flowing right now, so any critiques are welcome, even if they're brutal.)

Deleted user

Don't worry, I'm never brutal. But if I think something could be better, I will try to state it as straight forward as I can.