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forum Anyone wanna critique a character?
Started by @SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

people_alt 3 followers

@Elder-God-Whisper work

I like that you made him quite cocky but sweet at the same time. I really would like to know more about this character. He sounds like an amazing and complicated protagonist. Keep it up! ;)


I like how much detail and time you put into him,but 158 pounds is a bit overweight for a "tall,thin,muscular" build. Maybe make him apple shaped,or change his weight? I absolutely LOVE how you specified where he got his scar. I can't decide whether to love him or hate him,though. Even though he is a protagonist,he may be a bit too villian-like? Overall,I love it,and hope to see some more amazing characters from you in the future. Have a blessed day! :)

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

I like how much detail and time you put into him,but 158 pounds is a bit overweight for a "tall,thin,muscular" build. Maybe make him apple shaped,or change his weight? I absolutely LOVE how you specified where he got his scar. I can't decide whether to love him or hate him,though. Even though he is a protagonist,he may be a bit too villian-like? Overall,I love it,and hope to see some more amazing characters from you in the future. Have a blessed day! :)

158 for a 5'11 person with a thin yet muscular build is actually decent and somewhat realistic weight for Jason. In what ways do you feel that he may be like a villian? I've added two more characters for you to take a look at!