How does that tie in with your powers?
How does that tie in with your powers?
IDK i cant really think of any weaknesses
Maybe if he does telekinesis too long he gets sick. He’s super strong but certain metals weaken him
Yeah that
Hey guys are any of you awake?
@Impossible_Girl @Peter Duende where y’all at? Can the two of you get more people to join?))
I can get someone to join
(can i join)
Told you i could get more people to join
(I'm working on my character but I have to go right now. I'll post his profile in a half hour or so.)
(I'm working on my character but I have to go right now. I'll post his profile in a half hour or so.)
(That’s fine lol!)
(I'm working on my character but I have to go right now. I'll post his profile in a half hour or so.)
(That’s fine lol!)
(Have fun)
(may i join?)
I mean im not boss but he wants people to join so yes
Excuse me but this isn’t your role play. If you can’t respect that then leave. Firebrand welcome aboard!
I am a she
(Name: Benjamin "Ben" Vasiliev
Age: 17
Background: An only child; Ben’s powers surfaced very slowly. He only noticed them, that he was different, when he was twelve, and when he was 16 he couldn’t hide them anymore. His parents tried to help him manage them but in the end sent him to the School
Power/s: Can sense and control emotion; can both heighten and dull feelings in himself and others
How they learned about their powers: - -
Personality: Introverted to a fault; quiet when around strangers; Enneagram Type 4; INFP-T; stubborn; often appears apathetic due to his powers
Looks: See Character profile
Outfit: See Character profile; Shoes: Black Vans SK8-Hi; Dark gray jeans
Hobbies: Drawing; daydreaming; listening to music
Teacher/Student: Student
Weaknesses: His powers physically and mentally tire him, although more mentally than physically.
Strengths: He can dull his or another’s feelings to the point of apathy, which can be useful, unless he accidentally does so. He can also slightly sense others' feelings, which aides him in using his power.
Other: Hasn’t quite mastered his powers, so oftentimes a normal emotion will be randomly disproportionate in himself or someone near him (He or someone else near him will be overly emotional about a small thing). He listens to music a lot wearing bright blue earbuds because, if he focuses on the music, it takes his attention off of other people's emotions.
(Nice! So he’s an Empath?)
(IDK but Star i told you i could get more people to join)
(That doesn’t mean you can tell them yes. Regardless of wether or not I asked you to get people to join, this is my Rp. You cannot accept them in.
Also on this site, we say they/ them instead of he/she/her/him because we don’t know gender orientation.)
You were asking for people to join so i was just using the data i had to give them an answer
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