forum Wings of Fire RP (Open)
Started by @rebelwithareadingproblem

people_alt 3 followers


Please don't make your characters too OP
No major plot twists without asking/discussion it first
Shipping is ok, just ask the other person/people first
Keep it PG-13, anything else in Inbox
Cannot use any actual characters from the books (sorry, I would love to be Moon's better this way, you may not see it now but it is lol)
If I missed anything in the template, sorry, i'm really tired, didn't get much, or really any, sleep last night

Looks (usual tribe looks+identifying/unique qualities, etc.) :

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I've only read the first book but I'd love to join! Oh, and the first book with Moonwatcher in it but you know…


(Feel free to join. I haven't been aonline all weekend and am trying to catch up with my RP's, I have a lot going on rn so I don't know how adamant I'll be but feel free to get it started once we have 4 or 5 people, I'm sorry to not be attentive..I have..stuff, ig is the best way to put it. Complicated stuff)

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Should I do an animus Rainwing or a Seawing/Sandwing hybrid? If I'm not allowed to do either of those I totally understand.


Should I do an animus Rainwing or a Seawing/Sandwing hybrid? If I'm not allowed to do either of those I totally understand.

(Either one if fine. I love the hybrid idea but, again either is fine)

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Or should I do a different mix for hybrids? Seawing/Rainwing?


(If I may recommend, then do the sea/sand hybrid as I had a friend do an OC like that and he referred to him as a "beachwing" and he was really cool plus I would appreciate if not many people did animus. ((Just look at book 6-10 for why)

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(May I join I read all the books and I wanna be an animus)

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Name: Starlight
Age: 15? (Like, in dragon years. She's essentially the age of a human 15 year old.)
Tribe: Rainwing, raised by Nightwings.
Gender: Female
Animus?: Yes. Doesn't know about this ability yet.
Siblings?: None as far as she knows.
Looks (usual tribe looks+identifying/unique qualities, etc.) : Normally shifts her scales to mimic other Nightwings out of habit. Otherwise looks like your standard Rainwing.
Other: Bad at characters, sorry!

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Name: Aquamarine
Age: The equivilent of a 17 year old human
Tribe: Seawing
Animus?: No
Siblings?: Yes, a sister named Hydra and a deceased brother named Urchin
Looks (usual tribe looks+identifying/unique qualities, etc.) : Royal light up patterns, sea green scales with dark blue accenting, light up scales are also a deep shade of blue
Other: Is part of the royal guard, despite being a princess herself


(May I join I read all the books and I wanna be an animus)

(I'm sorry, I'd prefer we only had one and BBC_Fangirl's character already is one, again, sorry, but because you've read all the books, I'm sure you understand)