forum Why Can’t I Just Hate You?! (Closed with Eli-the-transboi) (1/1) (MxM) (TW)
Started by @RhysTheFirebird group

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@RhysTheFirebird group

Reo relaxes, sighing softly, keeping his face pressed into Lixian’s neck.

(Me wanting LIxian to push Reo so far Reo just leaves for a few days, and LIxian realizes how much Reo just does for him. Brings him food- gives him snuggles and just takes care of him-)

@RhysTheFirebird group

He rolls off him, sitting up, “Yes. It’s not healthy for you to starve yourself like this. Even if you just get up and get it, I don’t care. But eat something!”

(He’s starting to ‘yell’)