@Eli-the-transboi group
He hums. “I would assume because of my looks that it was obvious. My eyes have no white nor pupil. Just color.” He leans against the doorway.
He hums. “I would assume because of my looks that it was obvious. My eyes have no white nor pupil. Just color.” He leans against the doorway.
"I see a lot stranger things regularly, sweetheart." she snorts. Her wings rustle. "Being a demon, I've seen Lucifer himself - and that is strange."
Kreo chuckles. “I’ve seen plenty of versions of lord Lucifer. And satan, even hades. And even the Christian god…” he trails off.
"When you have my eyes, there's no seeing anything half-clouded or anything like that. You, for instance. Solid black with a purple core and obviously your eyes." she shrugs. "Lord Lucifer is blinding in his radiance, though I'm sure it's quite faded compared to his peak."
He hums, “oh really? Interesting.” He seemed to be…picking at his hands. And a lot. So much so that tiny drops of blood fell onto the floor.
Chrisy sighs and stands up fluidly, putting out her cigar on the nightstand and grabbing Kreo's hands.
"Don't- not around me." she smiles. She brings one hand to her mouth and licks the blood away before closing the wound with a slow, lazy blink. She fixes the other hand too.
He pauses, it was clear his whole body was stiff. “O-oh- um- m-my apologies-“
Chrisy laughs and steps back.
"Actually, now that I'm properly looking at you, I love your bone structure." she says, genuinely surprised.
He blinks. “Oh? I’ve- been told i have perfect posture but- thank you.”
"It goes beyond posture. Your bones are flawless, sweetheart." she chuckles. She steps forward and pulls one of Kreo's lips up slightly examining his teeth.
"Flawless teeth too?" she grins.
He laughs. “Yes. I assume even my own creator decided to privlage me.”
"Oh lord, so there's more of you?" she snorts.
He laughs. “Could be. Though im not quite certain.” He hums softly.
"I can barely handle capital "g" God- I hope there aren't more of him, that would really annoy me." she sighs.
Kreo laughs. “That man thinks hes high and mighty. He’s just a wimp.”
"I could probably kick his ass myself but he'd end up crying for the next eon and a half and I am not in the mood to listen to that." she giggles.
Kreo grins. “I hear you on that one.” He sighs.
Chrisy gets a possibly dumb idea.
"Hey, quick question. If given the chance, without any consequences, ignoring any moral boundaries, woul you kill God?' she asks.
He barks a laugh. “I cant unfortunately. It would destroy the balance. I respect all religions. Just not that guy-“
"I did ask, 'without any consequences.'" she chuckles.
He pauses, “Oh- well-“ he sighs, going quiet.
"Well?" she asks, looking Kreo in the eyes. She knew what his answer would be. She just wanted to hear him say it.
He sighs, rubbing his forehead. “Honestly…maybe…”
Chrisy grins.
"Make some food. I'll be down in a bit." she says.
He hums, walking away.
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