forum Welcome to the Playground (Cyberpunk RP OPEN 3/8) (Check it out, please?)
Started by @ShadeStar

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Stacy grinned beneath her helmet. "Sounds like a blast." She said, her autotuned voice somehow portraying her anticipation. "I've been itching for some action" Athena placed a hand on her hip, her blue armor reflecting the lights of the Playground.


"It's decided then!" Kuroki beamed as she glanced at her two fighter friends, friends? Who knew at this point. All she knew is she was more pumped for tonight than she had been for a fight in a long time. Hopefully, the bets will be high tonight too, she needed the money by the end of the week for rent, "We'll have a free for all tonight."

@Bunty group

"Indeed, we will," Nehemiah said in agreement as he turned and began to make his way towards where the owners usually resided. "We'd love to set up a match," He called out, giving a little bow in greeting. If he could win, Mr. Wilds' name would only grow bigger. He could further establish that the Playground was his territory, the place where he would thrive, and no one would dare threaten him.


The owner, a woman by the name of Bea, glanced over to where Mr. Wilds was. Kuroki followed in after Mr. Wilds a second later. She heard his declaration and saw his bow. She let out a huffy laugh as she leaned against the door of the office, "By we, he means Athena, himself, and I."

Bea glanced at the fighter's schedule for the night, and let out a long sigh before giving a little grin to the pair, "I can arrange that. You three better give a good fight though. I'm not pulling strings just for you to throw, got it?"


"Come on, Bea. You know we'd never throw a match." Athena crossed her arms, turning her head slightly toward Kuroki. "Well, at least I wouldn't." She added, jokingly.


Kuroki gasped as she looked at Athena a hand placed slightly over her heart, "I would never throw a fight! That would probably be Mr. Wilds over here."

Bea snorted at the groups' antics and finished confirming the schedule, "Alright you brats. You're on for tonight. I'll get the others to change the rosters, so if you're adding anyone else to this little fight of yours, do it before then. Got it?"

@Bunty group

Nehemiah puffed his chest in faux offense. "And give up the opportunity to put both of you on the list of people I've beat? No thank you, madams," Mr. Wilds said with a wave of his hand. He didn't do set ups- after all, how was he supposed to build his ladder to the top of the Playground with a trail of defeats behind him?


"Ha! You wish you were going to," Kuroki laughed out in response. She was confident in her ability to beat both of them easily. Besides, she was one of the best in the ring for a reason. Those 2 could only dream of getting to her level. She waved at the other 2, "Come on you two, let's get ready for the match."

@Bunty group

(Quick questions- how is a match determined to be won and how will we decide who wins?)

Mr. Wilds' grin beneath his mask would send most people running for their lives as he set a brisk pace towards victory. "Meet at the entryway in five?" He asked, needed to fit his outfit and mask a little tighter to his body. Once, a long while ago when he first started fighting, he was moving so fast and throwing himself around so much that his mask nearly fell off. His hesitation that followed had almost cost him the match, but he pulled through as always.


(Match is either whoever surrenders first, or first "lethal" blow. EI if they were going to kill it would kill, but no actual killing. That's against the rules. And as for who wins, random number generator?)


(I am so so sorry. Life's been busy and I had writer's block for this.)

Kuroki readjusted her mask and checked the laces on her boots while waiting by the entrance for the other two. Her staff was leaning carefully against the wall as she finished her final preparations. And she was lightly humming as she waited for the other two to show up.