forum Warrior cats: The Blood Path(anyone can join)
Started by @-Ghosted-

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"Hm….how about we play Mouse?" Shallowkit sugeussted(AUGH can't spell!), "Then we can practice the crouch that Bearscar taught us!" "Sure!" Marshkit agreed, as did Featherkit. "What do you guys think?" He asked turning to the others.
(By the way, any person can play any of the kits, as long as they don't play Featherkit and Cedarkit, they can also claim one of the kits to be their character if they want to.)

@saor_illust school

"Yeah!" Dewkit exclaimed enthusiastically, and Cedarkit chimed in. "I bet I have the best crouch!" Cedarkit puffed up her chest, proud. The other night, she had been practicing it all night long, showing it to Echosong proudly.


(Echopool. Just pointing out. Echosong is from Skyclan)
"I'll be the mouse first, I guess." Featherkit volunteered, "But I bet none of you can catch me!"

@saor_illust school

(Aaaah sorry I thought that was the name.)
"Yeah, right. I'm gonna be the first to catch you!" Cedarkit ran after Featherkit, the other kits hot on her heels.


(I'ts fine)
Featherkit ran as fast as she could, dodging around the apprentices, and squeezing between the paws of the warriors. She glanced back and saw Ceaderkit gaining ground. When she looked back in front of her, she nearly ran into a ginger she-cat, and made a sharp right to avoid her. "Sorry Rabbitleap!" She cried. She ran and stopped behind the warrior's den, panting.

@saor_illust school

Cedarkit, however did run into Rabbitleap, along with Dewkit. "Ouch…" they both groaned.
Mudkit avoided Rabbitleap narrowly, but crashed into Featherkit in his hurry to catch her.


Featherkit fell to the ground, rolling onto her back, and Mudkit pinned her down. "Get off you're crushing me!" She groaned. Mudkit grinned down at her. "Never!" He cried, and promptly sat on her. Featherkit squealed, and tried to push him off, but Mudkit had the advantage of weight.

@saor_illust school

"Sorry Rabbitleap!" Cedarkit called out before messily stumbling to her feet, running clumsily after Featherkit. "Aw, you got there before me!" she complained to Mudkit, before promptly calling out, "Pig pile!" and throwing herself on top of Mudkit.


Dewkit looked up, and climbed on top of the pile, followed by the other kits. "Okay, okay! You win! Can I get up now?" Featherkit shouted above their squealing.


"Please?" Featherkit gasped, "I can't breathe."
Rabbitleap sat down near the kit pile. "Come on now. You won the game. Let her out."


Featherkit sighed, relieved. She stood up and walked over to the fresh kill pile and lay down next to it. "I'm a dead mouse now!"


Mosskit scrambled over and climbed on top of his sister. "Well I'm deader!" He said, flopping over her back.
"No way!" Spottedkit flopped on the ground and twitched her leg. "Blehghbrjngrbhbgirihgbsihbshkrnugbibgis!"
Marskit and Mudkit rushed over and joined in, while Shallowkit was suffering from a giggle attack.

@saor_illust school

"No, I'm deadest!" Cedarkit plopped down on top of Spottedkit and Shallowkit, making a whole show out of it. "BLEHHHHH!" she shouted, sticking her tongue out and making erratic movements.


"Oh yeah?" Featherkit challenged. "Can you handle this? BLERGHJQWERTYUIOPOKJHGFDSDFGHUVCXZWSEDRB!" She flailed around like a fish out of water, screeching like a maniac, before she lay still.

@saor_illust school

Cedarkit sat up for a second and thought about this seriously. "As a matter of fact, I can."
She sat there for about three seconds, and then suddenly flopped over. Her shoulder hurt from the sudden impact, but she neither winced, or let out a cry of pain. And then, as if that wasn't enough, she stilled her breathing, and went absolutely still. Mosskit ran over to Cedarkit and poked her in her tickle spot, and still she didn't move, though oh, that tickled so much. "Cedarkit, you're not really dead, are you?" he asked.

After a long ten seconds, Cedarkit sat up, breathing heavily. "No, of course not, silly!" she stuck her tongue out at him and made a silly face.


(Also, I just finished Skyclan's Destiny, and I realized that Rabbitleap is a Skyclan warrior.)
Dewkit ran up and licked Cedarkit between the ears. "I was worried for a second!" She said, purring. "Why? It's not like she would just fall over and die for no reason." Shallowkit pointed out.


Spottedkit glanced around and saw some moss on the ground. She crept over to it, careful to keep out of sight of the others. She squished the moss into a ball, then moved closer to them. She swung her paw at the moss ball, and sent it flying toward Cedarkit. It hit her nose and bounced off, sending Spottedkit into a fit of laughter. "I got you!" She giggled, padding up in front of her.

@saor_illust school

"Hey!" Cedarkit protested, padding over to where the mossball landed. She then proceeded to nudge it as hard as she could with her paw, sending it over to Spottedkit, where it landed squarely on her head, bouncing off.


Spottedkit jumped at her, ramming into her, not hard enough to hurt her, but enough to send the two of them rolling around. Mosskit watched them, his tail twitching excitedly. "Let me in!" He yelped, jumping on top of the two she-kits, stopping their movement, and pinning them down. "Hey! Get off you big lump!" Spottedkit squealed, pushing at him with her paws.