forum “ wanna be a pirate with me?” ( closed)
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Keigo gave her a soft growl " we may not make it outside if you keep that up" he said

Deleted user

keigo shook his head, following her out after puttin his jacket on

Deleted user

keigo wasnt at his hide away anymore, now he was sneaking his way to amelia "gotcha!" he said and picked her up in his arms

Deleted user

keigo cried out, ploping her into a pile of snow "hey! not fair!"

Deleted user

Keigo smiles and laid on top of her, “ now we’re fair.” He said

Deleted user

Keigo flushed at the sound but smiled. He picked her up, dusted some snow off and took the both of them in.

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

Amelia smiled at his flush, then giggled as she was picked up. After shifting to a steadier position, she tenderly brushed a hand through his hair to get any remaining chunks of snow out. She then littered his cheek and jaw with kisses.

“I didn’t think I’d give in to the temptation so soon, but you are just so irresistible,”she commented softly, chuckling a bit. Her heart was already beginning to race as she continued to spread little kisses all over him.

Deleted user

Keigos blush darkened with every minute “ keep that up and a swear I’ll have to carry you down the isle.”

Deleted user

Keigo shivered a bit as he propped Amelia against the wall. “ you make this seem so easy. “ he mumbled to her

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

Amelia smiled, chuckling. She leaned forward, speaking into his ear.

“It is so easy. Just you and me. Together. Alone. Our entwined bodies moving as one,”she purred, her voice becoming softer and quieter as she spoke.

Amelia then nipped his ear.

Deleted user

Keigo gave a soft sound, his grip tightening a moment. “ your such a tease.” He whispered