forum “ wanna be a pirate with me?” ( closed)
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Keigo kept his arms wrapped around her “ okay lovely. “ he teased slightly

Deleted user

Keigo had been sleeping when his band had flashed a limeish green, and a buzz caused him to jump up from his sleep. “ shit..” he mumbled “ Emma I gotta go somewhere for a second, I'll be back soon” he said while carefully moving her and rushing out of his room.

Deleted user

Toaci chirped his pin “ danger, danger..” he said with a sad tone.

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Toaci tilted his head “ red zone! “ he clicked his beak “ red zone.”

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

“Red zone?”Amelia asked.

She considered the words for a moment. It likely had something to do with his seizures, maybe a warning that one was imminent. She hoped it wasn’t too bad, though she only had barely an inkling of what a seizure was like.

Deleted user

Keigo's medic came in his room “ oh, sorry ma’am I didn't think you were up here. I just came to see if toaci was upset. He can sense these things ya know. Smart bird ‘e is.” the man spoke “ keigos just had a pretty bad seize, he's coming out of it now.”

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

Amelia turned when the medic entered, instinctively tensing a bit. She then calmed when he started to speak.

“It’s alright. Toaci was talking about a ‘red zone’. Is Keigo alright? I don’t know much about seizures, so…”

Deleted user

He sighed “ toaci said red zone because Keigo was going to have a bad seizure. We caught it in time and were able to lessen the effects. Even if his watch to broke or dead, toaci will always tell when he's going to have a seizure. As toaci said, red zone it bad enough, black is liable to kill him and yellow is only mere shaking of his limbs. Yellow he can get through by himself and there's even times where a lime green flash could be one, this in case he'd just stare for a bit.” the medic let toaci out of his pin “ just a fair warning Keigo will be in pain when he comes back here”

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

Amelia grabbed her braid and fiddled with it, concerned by the news. The thought that black could… she didn’t want to think about that possibility. She just hoped he was okay.

“I’m glad it was caught early. And thanks for the warning.”

She watched Toaci as the medic let him out, smiling a bit at his pretty feathers.

Deleted user

Toaci flew out and landed on emmas shoulder “ that's new, toacis only ever gone to one person. Keigo.” the medic spoke

Deleted user

“ so was Ashlee, but I don't think toaci liked her, though he had a good reason. Left Keigo to suffer while he seized in the middle of a fight.. “

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

Amelia blinked at the medic’s words. Was this the same woman Keigo had mentioned before? The one that died, supposedly because Keigo had seized?

She wasn’t sure if she ever wanted to bring that conversation up, but… Keigo probably wanted to avoid asking her about her previous relationship for the same reason. Did he? Or was it just too early to speak of either? She couldn’t tell anymore.

“Well… I was raised to never leave a friend behind, so… I don’t think that sort of… unfortunate situation… will happen with me. And, I’m actually glad Toaci seems to like me. He’s pretty and sweet,”she said, a bit shyly at first, but her voice leveled out when she changed the subject.

Deleted user

“ don't tell him I told you, but Keigo has learned to move on with those kinds of things. He's got the mindset that eventually everyone will leave him. It was because of that devil woman his seizures even started back up.” he said hourly