forum Untitled RP| 3/3 closed
Started by @Knight-Shives group

people_alt 3 followers

@Knight-Shives group

Ok so I was thinking 3 people and the start will be one of the people asking the other two
"oh cool you're both here. wait why did you arrive at the same time. How did you arrive at the same time. You both live on seperate sides of town. What is going on" (something like that)

I would like to be one of the two (if you don't mind I will RP as a guy)
LGBTQ is definitly allowed and so is swearing

Template - coming soon


Sort it out? What do you mean sort it out? I was the first one to say I wanted to be one of the people to show up, so… I'm not sure how to sort it out.


Okay, fine I'll be the person the is already there, but that basically means I'm the one that decides where this Rp goes since there wasn't much detail to what's going on. If you're not cool with that than I have to be one of the people who just shows up.