forum Ultimate Crossover
Started by @Kind-of-Sleepy language

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"How do we get back to where we came from, that's what I'm asking." Ace's voice dropped, he starred at Elliot with a pircing glare, "Are you saying there's no way to get back," he growled


"Then tell me where to go." He grabbed Imoto's arm pulling her close to him, "listen here, Elliot. We appeared in this place for no reason and we want to leave."


Ace started walking away still holding on to Imoto, "This pisses me off." He muttered, "we have to ask another dumbass how to leave." He spoke over his shoulder to her


"I can't, just think about it. If we're here, then everything at out homes and our families are without us. My kid sister is alone at home and no one is there to give her food, she's starving right now. If they can't get me back then I'll get myself back," Ace released her arm, "sorry.."


He softly nodded as he started in the direction he knew she would be, how do people get around here, it's so crowed it felt like his last string was about to snap as people were bumping into him


Ace started walking again making sure Imoto was close by, if we get separated it'll be a lot harder to get back they soon reached where Barbara was going to be