Started by @MoonGames

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(Hey uhh when I get my charger, we could like watch Netflix in the art room on my computer 👁👁 ur boyfriend can come since you said you were gonna switch out with Autumn)

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“ ohh. “ he said said. He soon sighed as his usual tormenter showed.


Steve: haha funny, yeah I looked I there and it wasn’t there.
he grabbed Nikita by his shirt
Steve: I’m not going to ask you again. Where it is?
Alex: hey “butsnack”. put him down.
Steve: what’s with the voice? What are you gonna do about it if I don’t..
steve reached for a locker door. Alex pushed him away, making him let go of nikita
Alex: I don’t think you want to know.
Steve: you looking for a fight? Fine. Friday, after school. You better be there.
steve walked away

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“ your crazy!” Nikita said, his eyes had shifted without him knowing. The whites had turned to black and the iris and pupil changed to the glowing blue.


Alex: woah… uh-
she grabbed a giant cloth blanket and covered him, and as she did that she created an illusion without others noticing that looks like they are just talking.
Alex: I didn’t know akiridions lived on earth.. oh, four arms! Your even a royal! That’s so cool.

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“!” Nikita jumped up “ this isn’t supose to happen! He must have touched the watch!” He said worriedly

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Nikita held out one of his four hands. “ a watch that allows mother to camouflage me anytime anywhere