forum //There's Nothing Left for us Here// OPEN GROUP RP
Started by @Celeste_X0X0_ group

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@Celeste_X0X0_ group

Heres Zanders temp ^^

Name: Zander Melanie Frost
Age: 28
Gender/pronouns: she/her they/them
Sexuality: bizexual
Shipping: she taken by Jesse sorry ;) but if she’s not sometime in this roleplay, yeah!
Appearance: Zander stands at about 5’11” and has a pretty muscular build. I’d say she weighs about 180lbs, but possible 170lbs.
She has a very angular face, long nose, siren eyes and pointed lips. She has dark-red short hair that’s normally slicked back and it normally has some sort of gel in it.
She has emerald green eyes and arched eyebrows. Zander is pale standing next to Jesse but she’s not super pale. She has freckles splattered across her face and the rest of her body and she normally has on some sort of winged eyeliner.
Heres a painting of her. This is literally exactly what she looks like so go off of it as much as youd like. Along with her whole pinterest board! Go check it out ^^
Personality: (optional) Zander is more on the serious side than most, but she knows how to have fun. Zander loves to tease, make fun of, and just be a brat honestly.
She will most defintiely enable your bad habit.
Zander: “oh you’re trying to quit smoking?”
Also Zander not even 5 minutes later: “i need a smoke, wanna join? Dont be a pussy come on”
Zander loves Jesse and is a worry wart when it comes to her and anything she’s doing.
Backstory: (also optional) Tbd

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

here yall go!
Also, if anyone sees that maybe i got some facts wrong, dont feel the need to correct me. I dont think anybody will, but im just gonna say that as a preface for the rest of the roleplay. Im trying and im also not a scientist lmao. So like, you have a problem, im sorry but dont bring it up if its about fact checking me about how nukes work haha)

Min-Hyuk is finally able to open his eyes only to see the fluorescent lights above him flicker on and off.
His surroundings smell like the hospital room his mother stayed in. The scent was the definition of old people and discomfort. Two things Min-Hyuk never liked. Obviously.
Trying to sit up, he soon realizes no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't move a muscle. He lays there lifeless with only his head able to move.
What happened?
Where was he?
He tries to figure out his surroundings but he’s knocked out of his own thoughts by a loud rumble and a BOOM, shaking the whole building. He looks up only to see cracks growing in the cement ceiling and they didn’t appear to be stopping either.
Min-Hyuk is soon accompanied by a woman barging into the room, shoving the heavy metal door open and slamming it shut. For the few seconds the door was open, Min-Hyuk could hear alarms going off, people shouting and footsteps racing around. Panic. All he heard was panic.
Soon his own mind started to swirl with possibilities of “WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON???”
He silently watches the woman panic around the room, opening a laptop and typing rapidly onto it, clicking a few things and slamming it shut.
She circles around the table to look him in the eyes, moving his hair out of his face “im so sorry…” she says.
Min-Hyuk still isn’t able to move a muscle, but he was sure she could see how scared he was in his eyes. He could see it in hers all too well.
She lifts his arm and injects something into the inner part of his forearm. It’s cold and uncomfortable. He tries to pull away but still isn't able to. He felt as if he weren’t even breathing even though his chest continued to rise.
Once she’s done, she drops the syringe on the tile floor, running towards the door. Turning to him, she takes a deep breath “don't leave until the alarms stop. It's the only way you’re making it out of here alive.” She says, setting the key on the underside of the desk in the corner as if there was some sort of magnet on the underside of it.
After that, she opens the door and leaves, locking him inside.
What did this all mean? Why is she doing this? Is she doing this with all of the patients? Is Min-Hyuk not the only one trapped? Unable to move on a cold table.
What was happening outside? Why wouldn’t he get out of here alive? What were they planning on doing to him??

Jesse catches herself staring in shock as she watches Zander gasp like a fish out of water before she pulls herself off the ground; only to crawl towards her as fast as she can. She lifts her head up, already able to feel the warm, syrupy blood against her hair and scalp, now coating her hand.
“It’ll be alright” she says through raspy breaths as she scans the room for any sort of cloth. Soon, she finds a thin white tank top. Grabbing it with her foot and holding it in her mouth, she tears it into a strip and wraps it around Zanders head, moving her hair out of the way as best as she can. Blood almost automatically starts to seep through the white cloth and through Jesse's fingers.
After a minute or two of Jesse checking her body for any other wounds whilst trying to maintain her own broken arm, Zander is finally able to regain a steady breath, rolling over to her side and leaning into Jesse. She collapses to the ground, her back against the floor of the RV with her arms around Zander, both of their breathes raspy and weak. Zander wraps her arms around Jesse as if her life depended on it, not able to tell what’s going on still.
Her eyes feel sore and her head is spinning as well as throbbing. Zander squeezes her eyes shut, the side of her head resting on Jesse’s chest only to hear her rapid heartbeat as it thumps hard against her chest. She was sure her own heart felt similar.
Jesse holds her tingly, broken arm around Zanders body and the other on the back of her head so she could stop the bleeding. Zander wasn’t knocked out, so that was good, but now she needed to make sure she stayed awake.
Shit! She needs to stay awake! she suddenly remembers. With that, she sits up carefully, still holding Zanders head, now her other hand on the side of her splotchy face, blood smearing on her skin and over her freckles.
“Hey, look at me alright?” Jesse tells her. Zanders eyes flutter open and closed, still dizzy. She furrows her brows “hm?”
“Beby” Jesse says softly, her thumb stroking her cheek, wiping tears from her face that she was sure Zander had no control over. They continue to spill over her face, the hot tears mixing with the blood.
“Look into my eyes” she say once again. Zander opens her eyes, doing as Jesse says. Jesse slips the flashlight from her pocket and clicks it on with her shaky hands, pain surging through the nerves in her arm.
Jesse doesn’t shine it in her eyes, but near them to see if her pupils are dilated, moving them slowly towards her eyes making sure they were working right.
She lets out a sigh of relief as her pupils shrink as the light gets closer and grows the farther it got. Jesse kisses the top of her forehead, putting the light away.
“It’s okay” she says as Zanders head leans on her chest. Jesse looks out of the back window of the rv, the mattress now down and the vehicle sideways.
She looks up to see a giant fireball expanding in the distance, though vading slowly as it rises into the sky. Jesse focuses on the shape as the two women try to stay calm and think about what to do. She knew they weren't going to be able to move until Zanders head stopped bleeding so all she could do was wait and watch.
She watches as a cloud forms, debris from the bomb and water droplets invisible to the eye is sucked inside.
It turns in itself as it continues to rise and the clouds above seem to move out of its way.
This couldn’t be any good….

Seo Hyeon was helped onto a stretcher and deemed their first patient of the bombing; and the most annoying as she struggles to be helped by anyone. Which is understandable given the circumstances.
She had just lost her sight and now everyone is rushing her, pushing her around, and talking to her. Nobody’s words seemed to make sense and her body and eyes are in such intense pain she can't help but bawl her eyes out.
Everything hurt in such a way she wanted to rip her skin off. Burning so much she wanted to drown herself in an ocean of ice and water.
Coughing, her throat burns as well and her hair sticks to her burnt skin. Though she has no idea what her appearance was, the nurses did on the other hand.
Looking at her, Seo Hyeon's fair skin had been blotched with nasty second and third degree burns all over her body. On one side of her cheek a burn reaches from her ear to her lips and a little bit of her nose. Her neck and her collarbone has a long string of burns along with her hands. On the palm of one of her hands, the skin is scalded and a bit of bone showed through her flesh. The other side of her face seemed to not be affected as much as she turns away at the right time for only half of her body to be affected.
Her knees are scraped and her jeans ripped from the fall to the rough concrete.
And worst of all, the whites of her eyes are bloodshot and glossed over with tears. Her pupils had seemed to disappear. What was once beautiful red and pink coloring now was nothing but white and grey eyes that looked around frantically. The nurses didn't dare tell her any of this.

Seo Hyeon is immediately taken into a room where they do their best to treat her burns and any other injuries. They didn’t want to put her under in case she suffered from a concussion as they could never be too safe with this.
“Please somebody tell me what’s going on!” Seo Hyeon pleads to the nurses as she squeezes her eyes shut, not able to look around without writhing in pain.
“You’ve suffered a lot of burns hun. We’re trying to treat them the best we can. Please hold still.” One of the nurses tell her.
“What-what about my eyes? Why can’t i see!?” she asks, painful tears falling from her eyes.
“You’ve been blinded by the blast. We don't know anything more but i’ll give you updates” she explains.
blinded? What? No…. this can’t be happening!

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

(Laz’s father and Pepper don’t have the kind fate Zander does :p)

Laz had concluded they’d been on the road for hours. The air in the car had grown thicker, and he was about ready to croak. Earlier, he’d been concerned about his crutch, the only thing that helped him walk, and they’d left behind. But he remembered both his father and Pepper kept a spare in their respective cars. It was past 3 in the morning, and silence engulfed the sudo-family. A constant buzzing had grown in Laz’s ear, and he tried every cure himself of it. He smacked the side of his head, pushed down on the tragus (But that made the buzzing louder), and shook his head super quick. He heard his father take a surprised breath and mutter, “Ce n’est pas bon!”. Laz was laying down, taking up all the back seats. He couldn’t see what his father did.

“Dad, I can’t understand your high school gibberish,” Laz muttered, wishing he was in the realm of his favorite book. His father went silent, and Pepper hadn't spoken in hours. What state were they in? Like maybe Missouri at this point? He couldn’t tell. The car shook from an unknown force. What the hell was that!? And suddenly they were crossing the threshold, breaking through the guard rails on the side of the highway. Laz felt inertia pull his body in the direction the car was tumbling down, his face slamming against the back of the driver's seat. He recognized the sharp scream of Pepper, but no noise was solicited by his father. The car jumped over bumps and started to roll like a barrel. Laz was slammed against the roof multiple times, the buzzing getting sharper. His peripheral vision closed in as his body got banged around by the forces of nature. Abruptly, everything stopped, his vision going black until he could comprehend anything. It was as if Laz was in space, his body floating in a liminal space. That would be about the time when he lost consciousness. The world shut off for the night.

(Could Laz even survive that? Eh, he’s got plot armor, it’s okay)

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

Lucky smiled as she followed him into the store. It appeared completely empty.
"Grab any food you like to eat, and anything you might need in the long term that you don't have."
As a small general store, it didn't have a lot of things like the bigger cities, but Lucky knew there'd be enough there to keep them going for months. "Blankets, a jacket, canned goods, anything that'll keep for a while goes in the truck."
A lot of the shelves were already empty from other people coming through. Uncle Tim had said they'd come back into town eventually and settle with the owners, if they survived.

She followed in after him, having to limp a bit as she walked. she spotted a bag hanging on one of the hooks in a aisle and decided to take it, it was decent sized. she could put stuff in it instead of just carrying it.
she moved to put different types of food in the bag, along with any drinks that she could find that weren't pre opened or tampered with.