forum The White Maiden's Game (Sandersides!)REBOOT (closed please stalk!)
Started by @Fenrir

people_alt 49 followers


Name - (It can be the sander side you chose or a completely original name)
Age -
Sexuality -
Description - physically and personality-wise (Link is fine) -
History -
Likes/dislikes (Music, color, animals, etc) -
Hobbies -


Name - Kiran Valencianna
Age - 23
Sexuality - pan
Physical - Thinner build, stand 5'9ish. Has pale skin accompanied by light blond hair that often falls in his soft blue eyes. Freckled across his nose and cheek area. Often seen (if at all) wearing darker clothing made for moving about in the forest. (black shirts and pants.)Thin pale pink lips. Scars sprinkled along his chest and neck
Personality - very Shy at first but gets attached once he meets a person he likes. Both loves the outdoors and being inside. Prefers to have one-on-ones with someone instead of interacting in crowds.
History - will explain later….
Likes/dislikes (Music, color, animals, etc) - Absolutely loves reading and writing. adores animals. Has a weird fascination with mosaics. Hates crowds or being overly stressed. hates Making decisions
Hobbies - Making mosaics out of natural objects. Reading tarot cards, reading, spending time just talking
Other - quirky


(Hey! No problem Bleu and yeah! Go ahead and use your twins! Hey Unseelie! Are you going to use the same character as the other rp? Or some one new?)

Deleted user

( Are any spots still open for this? I'd love to join if so! )

Deleted user

( Could I sign for suitor 3? I'll fill in a thing when I have more time, changing classes right now. )


(Yeah if course! Btw anyone can be any of the suitors that’s just their personality traits and what side they represent)

Deleted user

Name - Sebastian Brooke Faulks
Age - 22
Sexuality -Bisexual
Description ( Physical )
Alright, here we go. Sebastian has chocolate brown hair, that's curtain cut. The roots are black, as the chocolate is just dyed. Sebastian's eyes are caramel, and they look pale brown when bright light hits them. His lips are some form of pastel pink. He's also got freckles all over his cheeks. He's got a lean build, more of his muscles being in his legs than his arms. He's got a star-shaped ( sort of ) birthmark on his collar.
Description ( Personality )
Sebastian isn't exactly the kind of person who wants to talk about himself. He really prefers observation over anything else that requires interaction. Sebastian really likes the quiet, and serene places. A lot of his thoughts aren't exactly the brightest, either. Sebastian loves places where he can be himself.
History - Sebastian grew up with his mother and his father, up until he was about ten years old. After that, he was given to his uncle, whom remains nameless (I haven't named him-). With his uncle, Sebastian learned how to hold his childlike tongue, observe people, and draw away from population. He didn't know why he had to learn any of it, but he followed his uncle's teaching anyways. While he was there, also, he learned all of your basic 'life skills'. Recently, he lived independently, practically withdrawn from the world, but able to live.
Likes/dislikes (Music, color, animals, etc) - Likes classical music, despises rock music. Likes the color of forest green, hates coral. Loves wolves, can't stand pigeons. Loves romance books, avoids non-fiction anything. will add more tomorrow.
Hobbies - Sebastian likes to sleep, a lot. He also sings, a little bit. Sebastian has a thing for organizing, and does it in his spare time, often. He takes nature walks on occasion. Sebastian also likes photography. Sebastian wants to learn how to write left handed, so he finds practicing that as a hobby as well.
Other- Sebastian's highly afraid of drowning, and he's also afraid of his loved ones dying. He's also in love with orchid flowers.