We all live in a world where you can do everything but be logical.
How fun is that?
Our characters have the ability to be logical, they're just not allowed to be.
I know, this RP sound so, so, so boring, but nobody's on my other RP's.
So, feel free to join… (I bet you won't)
There's no set character template. I'm not putting my character up here until somebody posts something up here.
This sounds pretty interesting!
wE hAvE No lOGiC
wE aRE aLReaDY RoLEplaYiNG
OkAY theN LEt'S AlthOuGH I shOULd wARn yOu I'lL Have TO lEaVe soOn
OH oKaY tHaT's FiNe We cAn cOnTInuE ThIS weIRdNesS laTeR
OkAY thEN nOw Lea MIchELe Is CalLinG
SuRe. HoW abOuT aS aN Rp RuLE, wE mUsT wRiTe LiKe tHis
YeS yOu MaY.
I hAvE no IDea wHaT wE aRe dOINg
me To, aNd WhAt is thIsrP gOinG tO be aBoUt? thE PloT?
wE fInD oUt WhAT lOgIC iS.
ShOuLd We PuT uP cHaRaCtErS?
Okay, so this is the plot:
Logic is the name of a very logical beast. If you touch/get bitten by Logic The Beast, you will think logically forever and your family will think logically forever. And nobody in The Realm Of Anything But Logic (TROABL) will understand you. The clueless non-logical people have a savior angel named Ilora who stops the Non-Logicals from doing idiotic stuff.
We've just been bitten by Logic The Beast, and we are finally understanding logic, and we must get the Non-Logicals to understand or something along those lines.
Um… just one question. How are you not logical? Is there any math in this world? Are there many logic beasts? Oops. More than one question, sorry!
You know how your friend says something that doesn't make sense, right? And you would say that isn't logical. Example:
Tries to bake without instructions
Well, this Non-Logical knows that (insert ingredient) + (insert ingredient) = Apple sauce
Apple sauce + (Baked thingy) = apple pie
(not true in real life)
but Non-Logical goes up and does
(insert ingredient) + alot of water = messed up apple smelling goo
messed up apple smelling goo + more water = more messed up apple smelling goo
It's more of a common sense thing, not a logic thing. I'll go change the title.
And they try math, but… 7+18 is… 79658?