DISCLAIMER: this is not actually super accurate to the original train. The actual Express is just being used as a platform to expand on and a bit of inspiration, this is probably nothing like what actually happened, and the route used in this rp will be a mash-up of various routes over time to lengthen it.
The Orient Express departs from Paris in 1896 with its cars full of eager passengers. Its name has been carried from mouth to mouth for years now, whispers of its famed luxury, of the sights that surround it. And those who pass on the rumours are almost always right– not just about the gorgeous scenery and the elegance of the locomotive’s interior, but about the magic that comes with. It goes through some of the most beautiful cities in the world, displaying such a wide variety of culture that civilians have begun to ride it merely for the experience of the longest train route in the world rather than to get from place to place.
But the thrill of adventure only heightens when murmurs of a haunting begin to pass from passenger to passenger– slammed doors, flickering lights, things gone missing, the eerily beautiful sound a woman singing in the dead of night.
Our characters board the train at the first stop in Paris, all headed for Istanbul, Turkey, the last stop, and quickly realize that all is not as it seems
Some rules:
don't be rude. If you act in a way that I think is not okay, you're out, don't argue
swearing is allowed
anything remotely steamy or dirty does not belong here
you know what else doesn't belong here? IRL sexism, racism, homophobia, transphobia, any kind of hate
if I've seen you do things on other chats or rps that I do not think is okay, I am allowed to say no when you ask to join
ask before joining
Please be an experienced roleplayer
shipping is also allowed, but we're going to write it in as we go, not pre-determine ships, and we're not starting any crush stuff between our characters until at least page 7.
If a bit you post is going to have intense abuse or self harm, or etc, please write (TRIGGER WARNING) above it
descriptive posts on physical, verbal, and psychological abuse/self harm/etc are allowed, but again, put a trigger warning
if your character has undergone sexual abuse, do not go into detail about the scenes. If they have flashbacks about it, don't be overly descriptive. Obviously you can mention it, but be sensitive
you know what, I’m going to repeat that last bit: be sensitive
I am allowed to ask you to delete a post or leave.
no IRL fighting. If someone is being rude, then obviously call them out on it. But don't throw around unnecessary insults.
please don't make up a character on the spot for this, have a relatively developed one please
don't control other people's characters
ask permission before hurting another character
actually read these rules before asking to join
age limit is 19-25
OCs only
No Mary Sues
please avoid one liners… you aren't expected to write a paragraph every time it's your turn, but keep away from single sentences
Character Template:
General Clothing: