Myriil's eye twitched slightly at Reia's dismissal of his quick lie of 'protecting the storage room', sure it was false, but it was a decent lie! If the ship was boarded by enemies, he'd be there to shoot anyone who got close to any of the cargo. The last line of defense he supposed, but his irritation was quickly washed away by a sense of anxiety as the navigator started looking around the room. She probably thought he'd stolen something and was checking to see if everything was in place, but it seemed like she was looking for something specific..
He refused to show any hint of relief on his face when she gave up, already moving out of the door, taking her other snarky comments in stride. It all seemed fairly good natured for someone threatening to throw him off the ship earlier and what kind of conversationalist would he be if he couldn't take what he dished out? Showing more restraint than he had, Myriil didn't respond to her barbs, simply smiling amiably. He walked in no great hurry, with his hands behind his back, adjusting himself quickly whenever the ship was suddenly rocked by the monumental strength of the firing cannons. The wood elf wasn't bothered at all by the sudden, jerking movements, it was nothing compared to keeping your balance while standing on a desert horse, which was galloping at full speed. He half smiled at the memory, he'd fallen off eventually and fractured his arm, but had won the bet. The wood groaned and men yelled, some running up and down the stairs for more ammo or to take a breather when they got grazed by a stray gunshot. The cacophony of the chaos above was deafening, and Myriil had to resist the urge to cover his ears.
Reia was heading towards the upper deck, likely to continue helping in the fight, and he followed for a moment, before slipping off to the crew's quarters, despite his sarcasm Myriil had been serious about leaving his gun there. He wasn't particularly concerned about it getting stolen, he didn't care much for the thing, judging by the chips in the wood handles and rust spots on the metal. It had someone elses initials carved into it, having been one of the ones handed down as spares for the crew. The old owner was likely dead or disfigured.
Ducking into the room, Myriil had to squint to see in the dim light. The crew's quarters were dark, with no natural light and smelled exactly how you would imagine a room where dozens of unwashed men slept. As he blinked, Myriil's sensitive eyes could make out the shapes of the hammocks strung along the walls, some two or three high, making the most of the usable space in the room. Personal belongings made lumps in the canvas, though no one left anything valuable behind, you carried it on you if you didn't want it stolen. Strolling over to his hammock, Myriil grabbed his guns, fiddling with them for a moment and frowning, then shaking it really hard and seeming content. He had some ammo in a pouch on his belt, along with some other knickknacks.
Passing by the rows of bedding, it was odd seeing no one in the room, usually a few stragglers were hidden in here. An image of Reia yelling popped into his mind and he shuddered, she'd gotten to them first it seemed. Idly he pulled at the fabric, making a few hammocks rock back and forth, sometimes clattering what was inside to the ground. Nothing too interesting, sometimes a cool rock, a piece of flint, a photo of family, or just junk, bottles empty of booze, trash, discarded scraps of fabric. Myriil wrinkled his nose, both at the reek of the room, and at the gaucheness of it all. With just a minor touches, even this mess of a room could be practical and at least somewhat stylish. Really, it can't be that hard..
A little bit of light, move around the hammocks.. Maybe a table there and a rug there.. His musings were interrupted, by a guest to the room. A man with wild eyes and even wilder hair tore around the corner, and rushing inside. They moved with a frantic energy that took Myriil aback and he blinked a few times to make sure they were real. He didn't recognize him immediately, but the smell of soot and gunpowder which assaulted his senses a moment after the man appeared gave away his job at the very least. Giving the man a wide birth, he tried to scoot around them and out the door. They looked busy anyways, and probably didn't need his help, and if he did? Well then that was a desperate situation indeed. All Myriil wanted to do right now was get on deck and make a token performance and then disappear again, maybe chat with the little voice in the storage room some more. Then cheat some of the sailors out of their coins at cards later in the day.