forum The Dungeons (CLOSED NERDS)
Started by Deleted user

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Name: Dante Ifreya
Kingdom: ?
Djin: ? (Like a djinn?)
Age: 21
Gender: Cis-male
Sexuality: Weirdness
Personality: A nihlistic, sarcastic, cynical person, introverted, defiant amd pessimistic. Usually rebellious. Under it all he's kind and funny, though. Lots of emotion and motivation, socially inept as Hell.
Appearance: Smol boi, who is short and thin, with remarkably symmetrical features, and an awkward frame. A head full of downy, dapper blonde hair, cold blue eyes.

Deleted user

Yeah, just come up with a random kingdom and the Djinn is a massive power source that gives you a certain type of magic you have complete control over.

Deleted user

Hmm I thought there were 6 of us, but I can only find 4 characters, (this includes my own) do we wait for the 2 that haven't posted a character? Or can we start now?

Deleted user

So once Bleu turns up we can start? (sorry if I sound impatient I'm just really excited cause this RP will be awesome)

Deleted user

Great! I’m at school so please hurry I just got my grades back and I’m failing 2 classes… my mom is going to kill me… please help…

Deleted user

I tried so hard, and got so far. But in the end I failed the two classes. They are both ones I never failed in middle school… maybe its because I’m in smart people classes and not dumb people(me) classes?

Deleted user

Which classes? and dont worry im sure theres a way to fix this… maybe get a tutor?

Deleted user

That’s what I’m planning on. So there is Honors(don’t know why I’m there) Biology, and Honors(Why am I there still) US Studies 2. I was one of the tops students in regular US studies… and I always wasn’t the best at science in middle school. The one I passed that I’m surprised about is ELA. I suck at ELA. Maybe I got better from writing and stuff? Well my teacher is dumb and made it public that I wrote stuff. (I like to type when I’m nervous. Sorry…)

Deleted user

ok… well i cant help with Honors, or us studies, what grade are u in with biology? (im grade 9 so i might be able to help w that?)…

Deleted user

I’m a freshman, so grade 9. Honors is just more work. Nothing more, nothing less.

Deleted user

ok, well i did a biology before i went to highschool… what are u struggling with?

Deleted user

Also don't freak out if i disappear for 10 min at a time we are doing decoration (at least my sisters are) and notebook keeps crashing on me…

Deleted user

(Oooooffff. I use old characters and just change some appearance things and maybe names. Or even EYE COLOR WOOOOOOO then boom it’s a different character.)


Name: Adagio Di Angelo
Kingdom: He's a Traveller, so nothing specific.
Djin that they will get later in the rp: Light
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay
Personality: Adagio is rather kind, soft spoken and light hearted. He loves to travel and has a sense for adventure. He loves to explore and find treasure.
Appearance: Adagio has raven black hair, big blue eyes, pale skin, he's average for height and has many scars along his body.
Outfit: He tends to wear lighter clothing so he doesn't have to worry about over heating. He has a staff, and a cloak.
Background: You'll see
Other: He has a husky named Clef.

Deleted user

Yay! Bleu's here! (does that mean we can finally start now?) (*sorry if i sound rude and i know most of u are busy but im SUPER excited to get this rolling) :P :) :D