forum THE DISASTER BISEXUALS (Small group band rp) (Closed)
Started by @emilyevewrites group

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(Also just wanted to say, it’s a little odd for. 16 year old to be handing out with a bunch of 20 something year olds. The age gap is just massive and they’re still a child. Personally if I was their parents I wouldn’t let them hang out even if they knew them really well or were only for band practice. It’s kinda just weird. Also there’s a problem of school. Just wanting to say my opinion)

@emilyevewrites group

(some of them could have been releasing music on the internet as independent artists, and they went to a talent showcase, and saw how good they others were, and asked to form a band, and this band made it big)

(I'm leaning towards this idea, especially being independent artists on the internet. It seems the most realistic. Is everyone good with that? :))

@emilyevewrites group

(If anyone wants to know each other previously, we can do that. I would just say both people have to agree. Tbh, I think Emily is a person who embraces solitude a bit more, so going in, she probably wouldn’t know anyone well. I was thinking we could start after they’ve already met and have had a few sessions together. We won’t start with them meeting for the first time.)

@emilyevewrites group

(So this took a while… so sorry 😅 And, for context, I’m imagining they practice in, like, a YMCA kind of place?? XD)

Emily hurried through the halls of the rec center with her earbuds in and her head down. Her hazel eyes were focused on the purple-covered notebook she was holding in her left hand that contained her literal entire life. It was open to a page that looked like scribbles, but it made sense to her, and that was what mattered.

A pencil was behind her ear, and she was itching to write out all the music playing in her head, but her violin case was in her other hand, and she refused to stop until she reached the practice room.

She kept glancing up, though, to make sure she wasn’t about to run into anyone or anything. She didn’t need that kind of attention. The song Fairytale by Alexander Rybak dominated her ears, and it was much preferred to the cacophony of noise that surrounded her in the hallway.

A chime from her phone interrupted the music flow, and Emily pursed her lips with irritation as she tucked her notebook under her arm and carefully slipped the device out of her pocket. It was a reminder: Band practice today — 1 p.m.

Well, obviously. She couldn’t help but roll her eyes. Her thumb tapped the screen to bring up the messaging app as she used her hip to open the door of the room that the band practiced in. She set down all her stuff and typed out a text for the group chat.

Emily S 🎻 ☕️ 🇬🇧 in Disaster Bis 🎶
I’m here bitches

@AnxietyGremlin group

Quinn walked nonchalantly through the rec center halls, scrolling through his phone. He had his guitar strapped to his back and was on his way to practice. As he looked up to make sure not to run into walls every now and then. If he didn't run into anyone that's an extra bonus, he just didn't want to be the idiot running into a table.
He stopped in front of the band room door and opened his text messages. He typed

Quinn C 🎸📷🇦🇺 in Disaster Bis
Just got here

He walked in and saw Emily
"Hey Em." He said causally while putting his phone in his pocket. His slight Australian accent was showing again. He slipped his guitar of his back and sat down, setting his case on the floor and pulling out the instrument and a tuner. He began plucking strings and tuning his instrument, as usual before practice


Tidying up her books and school supplies, Anna's eyes darted to her phone buzzing on the table. She picked it up to see messages from her bandmates, Quinn and Emily, who had arrived at practice.

Anna M 🎤✨ in Disaster Bis 🎶
I'll be over in a moment. I just finished class.

Her fingers glided over her phone screen as she sent another message to someone.

Anna M to Apollo G
I've just finished class. Did you want to walk to band together?

Apollo was Anna's closest friend. They had met in high school and Apollo really helped Anna come out of her shell and pursue her passions, which of course was singing. He was the person who introduced the band to her and convinced her to join. Dare she say, it was the best decision she had ever made.

(Just made a small edit because i thought i was good at basic english but apparently not 😭)


Apollo slumped back in the uncomfortable lecture hall seat as his professor droned on about linear systems. The clock on the wall said 12:47pm - well past the time the class was meant to finish.

His phone buzzed.

Annie to AP
I’ve just finished class. Did you want to walk to band together?

Apollo glanced around, then typed out a response.

AP to Annie
hell yeah 😎 where do u wanna meet?
i might be a minute. this guy won’t stop talking

He closed his chat with Anna and noticed some messages in the group chat and replied.

Apollo G 🥁📸🌅 to Disaster Bis 🎶
i’ll be there soon


Anna made her way down the busy stairwell, careful not to trip while typing.

Annie -to- God??
Meet me in the quad

After navigating the crowds, Anna made her way outside, to the large garden that the school surrounded. She sighed and took a seat under the large oak tree, a place Apollo and her claimed as their own. She rubbed her shoulders that had started aching from her backpack and leaned up against the tree. Studying law wasn't too bad but the amount of textbooks and worksheets she had was insane. If it wasn't because of her bad posture, she was sure that she was going to damage her back because of these books.

Anna's eyes darted around the quad, observing the people around her but also keeping an eye out for her friend. Surely he wouldn't be too long.


By the time his professor finally let them go, Apollo was about ready to slam his head into his desk. He scooped up his bag (which he’d already packed his stuff into, out of boredom) and left as quickly as possible, pulling out his phone as he went. He sent Anna a cool emoji, almost crashing into someone in the effort. Pocketing his phone, he made his way to the quad.

Anna sat in their usual spot, and he gave her a smile as he wandered over.


"Hi." Anna stood up and slowly dragged her bag behind her as she greeted Apollo. At this point she was sick of its contents and didn't want to carry it around anymore. But reluctantly, she threw it over her shoulders and gave Apollo a small hug.

"How was physics? I'm assuming your professor forgot the time again?" Anna asked as the two of them made their way over to the YMCA building, where their band rehearsals took place.


Apollo sighed, “As always,” he said, fiddling with his own backpack, “He has a watch, I can see it on his wrist, but I don’t think he knows how to read it.”

He noticed Anna struggling with her backpack and reached a hand over to pull it up by the top, but almost immediately let go again.

“Holy hell, what do you have in there?”


Anna huffed, adjusting the weight on her back. "They're textbooks for this semester. We're looking at criminology but they also want us looking at torts which is a completely different textbook."

The two continued walking, nearing their destination. "Maybe you should set an alarm to go off whenever your class finishes and then just leave. Others might join you."


“Sounds… heavy,” Apollo said. The two reached the rec centre and entered the hall. “I would, but he has a habit of talking about the important stuff after class has finished. So I’m stuck.”

After a small walk, they reached their rehearsal room and wandered in.

“Hey, guys,” Apollo greeted.

@emilyevewrites group

Emily got Quinn’s text right before he walked through the door.

“QC!” she greeted with a grin. “How are you?”

She looked down and noted the texts from her other bandmates. She typed out a quick reply of her own before slipping her treasured violin out of its case and sliding her bow across the strings.

Emily S 🎻 ☕️ 🇬🇧 in Disaster Bis 🎶
No problem loves. Take your time

She jumped as she noticed her other band mates enter the room. “Hey! I just texted you!” she laughed.