forum The Demons and Their Hunters (OPEN! 5/10 FILLED)
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

There are Demons, and there are Hunters.


There will be multiple breeds for one person each.

Those Breeds are (they’re from MY world’s lore only):

The Dark Demon: CLOSED; Me!
The Light Demon: CLOSED; @octane Light Demons are basically Angels, except instead of having the basic ability pallet, they have the abilities of an Archangel.
The Gray Demon: OPEN; The ultimate Neutral Demon. It is basically the spawn of one Light and one Dark Demon. It can only Fly and Teleport, but its magic is very dense and protective. Basically, it is the ultimate shield. Unless it comes to True Demons, which its magic can injure and kill.
The True Demon: CLOSED; @Tired-Bleu
The Water Demon: CLOSED; @The-Young-Girl (Kylee) These guys are almost like Sirens except their teeth do not appear from just no where. They are forever stuck in their sharp toothed, long tongued, and eerily tall bodies. These guys’ abilities include, Hydrokinesis, Teleportation and Flying (their wing designs vary between Angelic and Demonic, but both are webbed in some way).
The Fire/Flaming Demon: CLOSED; @Mark_Is_Male These guys could find home ground in Hell, but unfortunately not. They are Earth-Borne Demons. They usually have a head of flaming hair (literally) with the sharp teeth, long tongue and the tall, skinny bodies. These guys can harness the power of flame, can teleport and fly, but they are rather good at preforming Demon-summoning rituals.
The Eletric Demon: CLOSED; @RedTheHopeless These guys reside in packs around mountainous, rocky areas because of Human disruption. They are more “static” in their personalities, as well as brighter in their emotions and appearance. They will have brighter eyes (color and emotionally) and will have fluffy, brightly-colored hair. They too have sharp teeth and come out in random bursts of electricity, but they cannot fly. They can however run very fast.


Dark Demon—
Weak Against: Electric Demon and True Demon.
Neutral: Water, Light, Gray, and Flaming Demon
Strong Against: ?????

Light Demon—
Weak Against: Flaming Demon
Neutral Against: Water Demon, Dark Demon, Eletric Demon and Gray Demon
Strong Against: True Demon

Gray Demon—
Weak Against: N/A
Neutral Against: Dark, Light, Water, Flaming, Eletric Demon
Strong Against: True Demon

True Demon—
Weak Against: Light and Gray Demon
Neutral Against: Water, Fire, Eletric Demon
Strong Against: Dark Demon

Water Demon—
Weak Against: Electric Demon
Neutral Against: Gray, Light, Dark, True Demon
Strong Against: Fire Demon

Fire/Flaming Demon—
Weak Against: Water Demon
Neutral Against: Gray, True, Dark, Light
Strong Against: Electric Demon

Electric Demon—
Weak Against: Fire Demon
Neutral Against: Gray, True, Light Demon
Strong Against: Water, Dark Demon


Demon Name:
How Did They Get This Name?:
Wings: (If your Breed has one. Reminder! Not all Demons have to have Angelic-Styled Wings!)
Usual ‘Human’ Apparel (Optional):

Demon Hunters

These men and women are people who truly learn their place. They are the only people who can slaughter any and every breed of Demon, but they are exceptionally rare. They usually are born in families, passed down by generation.

The Slots are rated Strongest to Weakest.

Slot One (Strongest): Me; Closed

Slot Two (Second Strongest): @TinyZombieKat; CLOSED

Slot Three (Medium Power): Open

Slot Four (Second Weakest): Open

Slot Five (Weakest): Open


Nickname (Optional):
How Did They Get This Name?:
Usual ‘Human’ Apparel (Optional):
Weapon of Favor (Ever Demon Hunter has a selected weapon that is infused with their magic):


1) Use correct grammar and capitalization, please. If you don’t, I’m not going to tolerate it for long, maybe a couple warnings then I’m going to kick you out of the RP and open up the spot for someone else.
2) Cussing is hella allowed.
3) LBQT+ Is loved and appreciated.
4) Diversity is obviously welcomed with open arms too!
5) Be nice to your fellow RPers.
6) With rule 2 in mind, if I don’t like the way you RP, I’m not going to let you join.
7) NO MARY/GARY SUES/STUES please especially with Gods. However, this might be avoided with the people I allow to join.
8) Overpower at a limit.
9) You can ask me questions about the RP, but if all of you gang up on me, I will get short tempered very fast. Don’t make me short tempered.
10) If you do somehow piss me off, I’m kicking you out with no warnings. Technically, these rules are your warnings.
11) Please, If you join, actually RP with us.

Deleted user

(If there's anyone you know who’d like this kinda thing, please direct them here!)

Deleted user

(Okay. I was just curious. Cuz you could use your character from there here if you’d like. But sure, I’ll give you Gray Demon if you want it.)