forum The Carnival (open)
Started by @ElderGod-yellowqueen

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(I've been reading the Night Circus and now Caraval (just started the last book yay!) And I really want to do a rp inspired by them)

The carnival comes without warning, without heed. The people wake one morn amd the carnaval is set up. Another morn and it's like the carnival was never even there. The carnival is only open to the public during the night, unlike any other carnival or circus that has ever arrived. And unlike any other circus, they have magic. Illusions so realistic. Impossible inventions made possible. The perforners never age a day, never fall ill. They cannot die, not unless they leave behind the carnival and the magic that brought them back. So welcome to the carnival.


  1. Based in 19th centry so no modern day electronics and such
  2. Try not to curse a lot
  3. Drama is welcome but dont go overboard
  4. No bullying ooc
  5. I am the god of this so my word is law
  6. Youre not invincible, you can still get hurt or die (even though you'll come right back to life if you're a performer)
  7. Try to keep genders about equal
  8. Not everybody can be a performer, we need vistors as well
  9. PG 13 people, take anything more to pm
  10. Have fun!

Age (how old you look like if a performer):
Performer or vistor:
If performer, what's your act:

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Name: Horris
Age: looks early thirties
Performer or vistor: performer
If performer, what's your act: strongman
Apperance: stereotypical; leopard print loincloth, bulging muscles, and stubble. No hair.
Personality: He's the biggest softy you will ever meet. If you flick him, he'll probably cry.
Background: He came from a small family; he was always the strongest. When the carnival came, he wanted to travel and see the world.
Other: Unicorns. Need I say more?

Deleted user

(Ya know what since it’s open I’m just gonna join)

Deleted user

Name: Daniel (Dan)
Age: 16
Performer or vistor: Visitor
Apperance: Messy, curly black hair and blue eyes. Some freckles and a big smile. Tan skin from working outside all day. His clothes are simple and often dirty
Personality: Curious, adventurous, mischievous. Hardworking and responsible. A hopeless romantic.
Background: Dan works at the field all day, and at night he sneaks out to have fun. He likes to visit the town. His parents are really busy with his younger siblings and they don’t really notice him being gone.
Other: He has a best friend, Cole. (Would be fun if anyone wanted to play Cole but it’s fine if not)

Deleted user

Name: Sara Lambert
Age (how old you look like if a performer): 19
Performer or vistor: Performer
If performer, what's your act: Acrobatics
Apperance: Dirty blonde hair normally up in a chignon; large, bright blue eyes. 5’6. Freckled. Wears a colorful leotard with a short skirt on top.
Personality: A talkative, bubbly person who is always up for fun. Hates to be lazy and is always doing something. Very daring and passionate. Quite vain. Flighty.
Background: Came from a poor family and was expected to try and marry a rich man. When being notified of the carnival, she immediately left to begin a more fun, independent life.
Other: Loves jewelry, although she does not have any.


Name: Fallon Beaux
Age (how old you look like if a performer): 25
Performer or vistor: Performer
If performer, what's your act: Aerial artist
Normal -
Performing -
Personality: Firey spirit but mostly keeps to herself. Like solitary but enjoys some company.
Background: Has always loved the circus and dancing. Her mother an father abandoned her one day and never came back so she ran off with the circus at a very young age
Other: mmmmmmnope