forum The boyfriend game ( Polly group rp. Closed!)
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Nori groaned, nuzzling deeper into Nok's skin, before sitting up abruptly and looking around. "Oh shit… what time is it?!"

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

Nori’s sudden movement woke Norkhal’rokh a bit, and he turned slightly.

“Mm… night?”he said, laughing a bit.

“Um… I’m guessing past nine or ten, if not midnight. Though, I may be way off. Why?”he mumbled drowsily.

Deleted user

Nori's expression contorted with fear as he wrapped his arms around Nok. "Oh no…. I was supposed to meet my parents for dinner. They ain't gonna be happy when I tell them I was fucking two guys at once." He mumbled into the other's warmth. "N-not that I didn't like it…." He added with a smirk

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

Norkhal’rokh rubbed Nori’s arm. He snickered at the last bit.

“I know the feeling. I’ve been a… I guess you could say ‘black sheep’, all my life. So, if you have to, make something up. Or, if that won’t work, be brutally honest. What you do is your choice, not theirs. You are full grown, after all,”Norkhal’rokh said.

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" just walk up to them, hand them a broom and say the closet was too small… It's what I did.." Kane signed

Deleted user

Nori chuckled, ruffling Kane's hair while he leaned his head on Nok. "Thank you. They are nice people though, my dad actually came out before me. So, I'm sure they'll understand."

Deleted user

"maybe we should come with? i cop is always a good impression.."

Deleted user

Nori sighed, twirling Nok's hair through his fingers while his other hand trailed down Kane's back. "I mean…. if you guys want to…"