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forum Taken//rp//6/6 CLOSED//STALKERS: ON//
Started by @@Kylie

people_alt 54 followers


She looked around again rolling her eyes. She then saw a video tape. She picked it up and blew dust off. She hit play, it was records of some random person talking, after a while she found out it’s a guy talking about a way out!


“Yea but you could have said no! You said yea sure! I just suggest an idea. Anyways I think I found my way out!”


Chase woke up in a different room.
“What? Wasn’t I just following Ivy?” He said to himself as he got up and looked around the room he was laying in.


Name: Lovino Vargas
Age: 15
Sexuality: gay
Gender: male
Looks: Lovino has a light bronze tan, his mud color hair that goes down to his shoulder, gray eyes that turn Blue when mad, a piece of hair that curlier than the rest (never touch) ties his hair back with a red ribbon more of a feminine body shape (curves and all he is only 5’0)
Personality:Lovino is Jumpy, kind to kids, Mean to men, and distance with women
Backstory: lovino was an only child until he turned 6 then he had two younger brother who love him and he loves them but his parents favor the younger ones
Other: is a skilled gymnast, and sharp shooter loves to cook and can make all types of things, has selected insomnia and scratches himself.
This ok?)


“Anyways it says on here you have to find special things. It also says there is only one person in every group that comes that has a hidden ability!?”


“Also why are always wondering about Chase hmm.” She said playing punching Ivy in The shoulder.

"Because I don't want my friends to die! That's all!" She tried to limit the light pink blush on her face as much as possible.