(Thanks lol!)
(Thanks lol!)
Name: Aram Orok
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Pan ace
Age: 17
Species: Orc???
Background: (I will add onto this later, once I get better context for the RP)
Personality: Usually kind and loyal, will literally consider murder if anyone messes with his friends and is the kind of person who would help his friend hide a body/cover a crime, very stubborn, terrifying at first and tries to be intimidating and keep his heart closed off so no one can hurt him
Appearance: Medium gray skin with green undertones, naturally big and strong, short black hair and greenish-brown eyes, tattoo over his collarbone, shoulder, and part of his back
Powers/Abilities: Has some aptitude for using spell books, assuming he can get his hands on them; really good at hand-to-hand combat
Hobbies: pranks, baking, reading, sparring
Likes: cats, sweets, libraries
Dislikes: Stuck-up people, starting unnecessary conflict, when people literally flee at one sight of him
Other: (If I think of anything, I'll put it here)
(He's great.)
Time for my new baby.
Name: Durbin "Kitty" Di Satirdė
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Age: 18
Species: Fallen Celestial
Background: Basically a god that fell from grandure, he was trying to reclaim his status, and having adventures along the way.
Personality: Cold, gritty, rebellious and malevolent, but he can be quite funny, endearing and sweet as well. Curious as hell. He's wise and clever, but very capricious. Likes neatness but can get messy too.
Appearance: 5'11", 153 lbs, with thick, well-styled black hair, and brown eyes. He has a sleeve tattoo that has various motifs, all connected by an Eastern dragon, and a kanji tattoo for "Grace" on his obliques.
Powers/Abilities: Telepathy, mind-reading, mind-control, panther form, minor smithing and healing.
Hobbies: Hanging around, computers.
Likes: Napping in the sun, foreign delicacies, technology.
Dislikes: Styrofoam, spray paint, deplorable morals.
Other: Is a huge otaku, likes to try new things. Rather socially awkward.
(May I join?)
Name: Nyna Carnen
Gender: female
Sexuality: bisexual
Age: 17
Species: elf
Background: Nyna was born into an elf kingdom that had 5 tribes. One day the 5 tribes had turned on each other and fought over riches. Nyna was sent to the academy to be safe and she worries about her loved ones back at home every single day hoping that the war will end soon.
Personality: humble, respectful, well mannered, friendly, serious, stoic, and calm.
Appearance: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/620652392371135908/ Nyna is 5"2 and weighs 120 pounds. She's usually seen in dresses or skirts.
Powers/Abilities: forest manipulation, speed, shapeshift
Hobbies: exploring the forest, reading, drawing/sketching
Likes: Nature, animals, any type of books, quietness
Dislikes: violence, anger, loudness
Other: idk
(Can I join?)
(Boop, here's my babies)
Name: Riverpaw Wolfe
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Gay
Age: 15
Species: Wolf Shifter
Background: Her family was hunted by experimentalists, so they've lived out in the country for years. 4 years after Riverpaw was born, they were found, and Riverpaw's mother was killed protecting her and her big sister. Her father escaped with them, and they went into the city to lay low for a while. Riverpaw was eventually enrolled in the academy, where she was reunited with her best friends from the country.
Personality: Very shy and quiet, a bit innocent-minded, likes to be outside, and talks to animals more than people. She can be sensitive, is afraid of thunder and other sudden loud noises, and she is working on her trustingness towards others.
Appearance: 5'0, tan skin, wavy brown hair that stops mid-back and is dyed mint green at the end, she usually has it in a ponytail. Wears a blue shirt with green pawprint on the front, favorite green jacket, faded blue jeans, blue and black sneakers. She has a red crystal on a silver string around her neck, and there's a small scar above her right eye.
Powers/Abilities: She turns into a small brown wolf with pale blue forepaws, and she has a 5 foot wolf form, but hasn't figured out how to shift into it. She is learning to heal, and she can feel other creature's emotions and help calm them. Also, she can show her ears and tail in her human form.
Hobbies: Baking, collecting shiny things, exploring
Likes: Singing, being pet, soft rain
Dislikes: Crowds, being scared, being told to sit or stay because that sometimes works on her
Other: She has an Alaskan husky puppy named Tsunami.
Name: Danielle Bonabelle
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bi
Age: 16
Species: Rabbit Shifter
Background: She's lived out in the country for years with her mother and two best friends, Neil and Marcus. When she was 3, she met a certain wolf shifter in the forest near their home and they quickly became 'first best friends'. A few years after Riverpaw moved to the city, Danielle and her other two friends moved as well, and they reunited with her at the academy.
Personality: Rebellious, outgoing, and very protective of friends. She loves a challenge, and hates when people underestimate her because of her height or because she's a bunny.
Appearance: 5'2", dark skin, dark freckles across her nose, red eyes, and hip-length black hair that's pulled into twin pigtails. Wears a purple crop-top under a jean jacket, dark blue shorts, purple and black ankle boots. She has a purple crystal on a black string around her neck, and there's a claw scar on her left cheek.
Powers/Abilities: She turns into a rather large, black lop bunny with white highlights on the ends of her ears and tail, and tiny white spots across her nose. She is learning to use fire magic, and can also show her ears and tail in her human form.
Hobbies: Playing volleyball, playing basketball, exploring
Likes: Sports, competition, fighting
Dislikes: Being pet, thunder
Other: She can be quite touchy-feely with her friends, but just to mess with them; she knows to respect boundaries. She always carries a knife or two with her.
They're great.
(Should we start? I gotta go in half an hour but I can stick around.)
(I'm up for whatevs)
Durbin drove into the student lot, surveying the area for a spot, and finding one between a Mercedes and an Impala. He parked his Gold Wing in the lot, and let down the stand, as the engine sputtered to silence. Gathering his things, he walked through the front gate, up the stairs, and into A Wing.
Name: Nienna Watson
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Age: 17
Species: Half-Elf, Half-Human.
Background: To be revealed!
Personality: She is very creative and has a photographic memory, why? Because she has Chromesthesia, which is a type of synesthesia that makes you see sound as color, so basically she can literally see sound. Is stubborn and determined to do whatever it takes.
She doesn't look down on humans like the other elves, because her dad was human. Also isn't like the other elves, she's outgoing, stands up for what's right and she funny. SHe also gives good advice.
Appearance: She has light brown hair that goes a bit past her shoulder, is the usual height for elves which is around 5'8 or higher. Her skin is a light pale and has mixed colored eyes which is rare especially for elves. She might be slim, but she's fast and nimble.
Powers/Abilities:So she can hear vibrations in the ground, can convert sound waves into light, echolocation. Also she is very skilled in knife throwing, she never misses which makes up for her lack of skill. I mean she can fight with the knife, but I wouldn't want to make her the next bucky Barnes would I?
Hobbies: Listening to music, training, puzzles, doing art, hanging out I guess, climbing bro, she has to have her perch.
Likes: Music, Art, Nature, Speed, Adrenaline.
Dislikes: Stuff, yeah she dislikes some stuff.
( yay thanks!)
( Wait how would an elf arrive like would someone pick her up or what?)
(I don't know, would she walk?)
( Oh yeah, whoops, lol.)
Nienna walked up to the academy where she was suppose to go. This has to be the place right? It probably was because it was the only academy around and a stream of students were walking towards it. "Alright I can do this." She encourage herself as she walked inside.
Durbin made his way towards A6. He was wearing a grey beanie, black and white tank top, ripped jeans, and polished russet shoes, belt and watch.
( Wait hold on, what are we even doing, I am confused.)
(Beginning of the school year. First class of the day.)
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