forum Starlight get over here! (closed, stalkers are cool)
Started by @gracehustle

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Oke, here's my attempt at a starter:
Ryker walked through the woods casually, his sword strapped to his back as he looked around. (Idk if you wanted to start before the contest or during it, so I made it kinda vague)

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(Before is probs better.. Also sorry i dissappeared…. )
Frost wandered through the forest. She wasn't sure what she'd find as she enjoyed the cool air. Her glittering green-silver eyes made a beautiful contrast with her Red and silvery-pale-ice-blue hair. She wondered what would happen today as she carefully pushed her way through the bushes, making sure her long loose braid didn't catch.


(its oke! also just a heads up, I wont be on tonight, I'll be back in the morning tho)
Ryker ran a hand over his short choppy blonde hair, hearing his heavy footsteps break some sticks and branches. His gray eyes darted around, trying to see if anyone heard him as he made his way to the competition.

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(Ok. FYI Unless i otherwise mention most of my characters are half wolf with only a few exceptions, so tromping in the woods isn't something a halfblood would do….)
Frost pushed through the trees and looked around some more… She then noticed a young blonde haired guy, being more curious than usual she decided to investigate…


Ryker saw a girl and he froze, slowly grabbing his sword from his back. "Who are you?" He asked, "If you want to kill me, sorry, but I have to get to the contest."

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"Kill you??" asked Frost in surprise. "Uh no. I don't kill, also who are you & what do you mean by contest?"

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"Frostfire, and no." she said stepping out of the trees.
(I'm here till 8:15 :D)


(Oke :D)
Ryker backed up again as she stepped out of the trees "I can't really describe it, you just have to see it for yourself..also please don't come near me."

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Frost looked at him in confusion. "Why not?" she asked, "Im not gonna hurt you, Also I am a little curious about this 'contest'. would you mind showing me?" she said he she bent to retie one of her fur boots.

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Frost stood, and adjusted her jacket "Lead the way then" she said

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Frost stood, and adjusted her jacket "Lead the way then" she said

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Frost followed wondering what exactly this contest was as she marveled at the crowd.


"This is the contest," Ryker said, motioning to the crowd "There is some sort of prize or something and apparently it is really valuable. Are you entering?"

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"I don't think so, but I do wanna see what all the fuss is about," she said


"Ok, well, I better get down by the other contestants..see ya." Ryker waved slightly and disappeared into the crowd, his heart beating quickly I didn't reveal my power..that's good. he thought, his heart calming slightly.

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Frost watched him go, and she was about to go her own way, but hen she decided to follow him, Impulsive decisions will be the death of me… she chided herself.. as she weaved thro the crowd.


Ryker didn't bother to look behind him, instead focusing of the small group of people in front of him. he ducked into the group and smiled weakly, looking at all of the other competitors.

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Frost saw him stop and waited to blend in with the crowd, watching she heard a man up on a platform call the crowd to attention.
(You can handle this one, also I will be not here for a little bit cause class..)

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(But not yet, that is just my assumption that I will be forced to vanish…)


"Welcome everyone!" The man boomed, his voice traveling "As you all know, I am Mr. San, the creator of this competition." Mr. San waved to the crowd before continuing "Today we have several brave competitors competing in today's contest. Competing for this creature!" he motioned to a cage a few steps away. (Idk what the animal should look like, your choice)

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Frost gasped as the cage was unveiled, No way!! It-it can't be! she thought quickly, as she stared at the creature. Its eyes were an enchanting ice blue, and its wings were an icy silver streaked with red, Its hooves were blacker than coal, Its body was silver streaked with intricate patterns of black and gold, Its cry was heartbreaking as it tried to break the bars. An Iceblaze Pegasus….she gazed in awe and shock as the poor beast was shown to the crowd. I thought they didn't exist! then realizing that the pegasus, was the prize she knew she had to rescue it, and maybe save the species too…. She quickly made her way over to the contestants just as they were being initiated.