forum Soo... Bakudeku anyone? 0x0 (Closed Pm if interested!)(P-G 13, cussing and possibly violence!)
Started by @Yet_another_Dekulover_is_gayofc

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"Ohh, right! Thanks for reminding me!" Denki said, going to a box and pulling out a few sets of fox ears on hair clips, and tails attached to belts, tossing a set to Izuku. (Don't question how I know how this shit works xD)

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( don’t question me either, I may or may not go to comicon) Izuku put on the clips and belt “ like this?” He said,looking to denki for advice.


(Comicon may r may not have turned me into a furry so-) Denki nodded, giving a thumbs up. "Heck yeah! Looks awesome!" Bakugo flushed some. "Y-you look fuckin' dumb in that Denki…" He said nothing about Izuku's get up, however, which confused the rest of the group but they ignored it for now.

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“ be nice kachan!” Izuku said getting back up to the mic “ ready? “ Izuku asked to the group.

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Izuku smiled brightly and nodded signaling them to start. Izuku sang on time, but still had his blush about him while he sang.

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Izuku sang the song, smiling the hole time, afterwards, Izuku sat down to catch his breath, he forgot how much singing took out of him. Especially how high he could get, “ hey guys I got one, how about we do river?” ( bakugo: listens to Izuku, eyeclosed, “ I sleep “ bakugo when Izuku sings and does the movement’s with the rest of the band to river, “ I am alive!” )


Bakugo opened his eyes, looking immediately back at Izuku. "Hey, doesn't that have a bunch of moves in it? You really think you dumbasses could pull that off? I mean, Deku, maybe, but you guys?" He scoffed some. "I'd have to see it to believe it.'

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Izuku looked to the band in a ‘ let’s do it’ kinda way, standing up and waiting on the band to decide. “ com’on guys, you don’t get everyday to prove kachan wrong” Izuku said bravely,


The band spoke quietly to each other for a minute, then Denki nodded with a determined look on his face. "Let's do it! Let's prove that Kacchan what we can do!" Bakugo huffs some. "How many times do I have to tell you not to call me that, Dunce-face?" (Because Denki calls Bakugo Kacchan XD)

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( xD ) “ yeah!” Izuku said happily, Izuku rapped his foot to the time again, this time he knew he hand to stomp at certain times in the song.

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Izuku started singing and moving alone with the others, although he wouldn’t look at bakugo, this was his way of teasing him, and getting him back from the ‘ I want it that way’ .

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( hey ima be cutting and splitting wood with my dad be back in a minute)

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Izuku smiled somewhat. He finally looked to bakugo towards the end. His smile was bright like it used to be, before everything with you know who.

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Izuku sang till the song end, “ okay I gotta take a break..” he said out of breath, Izuku sat down.


Bakugo sat next to him. "Meh, I guess you guys weren't horrible. I actually really like how you sound 'Zu- er, Deku." Denki then burst out laughing. "Woah hold up! Was Bakug seriously about to call you 'Zuku? Okay, something is definitely up! Spill the beans, you two!" Bakugo growled at him. "Shut up you dumbass! Nothing is going on, Deku already said that!"

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Izuku flushes a bright red “ go ahead kachan, mina’s has it figured out since the party..” Izuku said.

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Izuku slipped his hand into bakugo’s and held it up, his face could put a tomato to shame. He looked up at bakugo, the only thing going through his mind was ‘ ima get it when I get home ‘


Bakugo glanced at Izuku, turning red and looking away. “W-we… We are dating…” Denki grinned at hearing this. “I knew it! So who’s the bottom? I’m guessing Izuku is, heh!” Bakugo turns even more red at hearing this. “Shut the hell up, that’s none of your damn business!!” He snapped. “Hmm… so it’s Bakugo then.” This made Bakugo growl some.

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“ I…I’m a switch, and bakugo’s a top, so yeah.. I’m the bottom. “ Izuku said looked to bakugo, he promised he wouldn’t tell, he’d keep that promise, “ so when’s the concert start?”