forum Soo... Bakudeku anyone? 0x0 (Closed Pm if interested!)(P-G 13, cussing and possibly violence!)
Started by @Yet_another_Dekulover_is_gayofc

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Izuku nodded and texted his mom - all he said was “ attacked by vilians, bakugo hurt. Be there soon “ Izuku helped bakugo all the way to the house. Seeing his mom rush out, no matter what happened Izuku wouldn’t let go of bakugo, somehow this felt like it was izukus fault,


Bakugo saw Inko running out, sighing some as the both of them practically carried him inside. "Y'know guys, this really isn't necessary… I can walk a little…" He suddenly regretted not just going home, because he knew that now he'd be babied by the both of them.

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“ kachan your leg is hurt… “ Izuku said sitting him on the couch and waiting for his mom to finish helping bakugo, although Izuku wouldn’t let his mom cover up some of his wounds,” just worry about kachan” is what he’d say.


Inko looked at Bakugo's leg, sighing some. "Well, there's not much I can do about it, but I can get an ice pack to keep down the swelling." She then went to the freezer and wrapped an icepack in a rag, placing it on Bakugo's injured leg, who hissed in pain. "Jesus, that's cold!" Inko then went over to Izuku, examining him as well.

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Izuku snapped out of being in thought when his mom was catering him “ mom.. I’m fine.” He tried telling her,


Inko put a finger over his lips. "I don't want to hear it, Izuku. Now you go sit on the couch next to Katsuki while I get bandages and alcohol, and call a doctor." She stands there a moment to wait for Izuku to go to the couch like she told him to.

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Izuku sighed and sat next to bakugo, after izukus Adrenaline wore off, Izuku became tired. His grip on bakugo’s hand releases when he dosed off and tighted when he jerked awake.


Inko had come over with some isopropyl alcohol and a rag and was cleaning up Izuku's wounds, his shirt off. "Izuku who the heck were you fighting? You have so many cuts…" Bakugo sighed some. "We were fighting Kirishima… That guy's an asshole villian now, and fucking shocked me…" Inko scowled at Bakugo. "Katsuki, please, enough with the language…"

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Izukus grip tightened everytime the achool touched izukus cuts. No longer being tired from the pain

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Izuku suddenly stoped his eyes flashed white. When they stoped Izuku went back to feeling the pain, “ owww” Izuku mumbled


Bakugo leaned over and kissed Izuku's head, running his thumb over the top of his hand. Inko finally cleaned and wrapped the last cut, sighing some. "I called one of your teachers, and they're sending Recovery girl here for Katsuki's leg."

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“ thanks mom” Izuku said, Izuku blushes slightly after bakugo kissing his head, Izuku waited till his mom left to her room to move onto bakugo’s lap, resting his head on bakugo’s shoulder, “ work said to take tomorrow off, there’s enough hero’s out tomorrow to cover our shifts” Izuku said finaly relaxing.

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“ s.. sorry, I’ll move if your uncomfortable “ Izuku said shifting some too


Bakugo stopped him. "N-no… It's fine, just don't shift around too much." Then there was a knock at the door, and Inko answers it, Recovery girl walking in with a bunch of supplies. "Alright, let's look at that leg of yours." She says to bakugo, going to him and pulling up his pant leg enough to see his leg, examining it.

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He just waited, the look on izukus face has changed when he looked at bakugo’s leg. He was still blaming himself for what happened, and with his mind going over the events, Izuku felt like crying


Bakugo's leg was by now pretty swollen and bruised. Recovery girl felt the area and Bakugo flinched horribly, and she sighed after a moment. "Well, the bone in his calf is broken… I'll need to set it, and heal it some, then wrap it." Bakugo huffed some. "Whatever, just get it done so I- ACK!!" Bakugo let out a yell of pain as Recovery girl set the bone in his leg while he was talking, and his grip on Izuku tightened quite a bit.

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Izuku yelped at the sudden grip on his hand “ow…” he said, izukus face changes to pain and one eye closed rather than the sad look he had, “ kachan if you squeeze any tighter you’ll break my hand!” Izuku said half joking.

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Izuku moved his hand out of bakugo’s grip. He rubbed around the scar, once he got done rubbing his hand he put it back in bakugo’s. Izuku laud his head on bakugo’s shoulder.

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Izuku noticed bakugo’s whine and squeezed his hand to comfort him. Izuku could tell he was getting tired. The both of them where.

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“ wanna go to my room “ Izuku said yawning after bakugo. He looked to bakugo standing up, to help him if he wanted to.