"Life should be balanced. Why do you think people worry so much when the death rate is higher than the birth rate?"
"Life should be balanced. Why do you think people worry so much when the death rate is higher than the birth rate?"
“Because their death is bad. But really they should be happy, it’s helping stop overpopulation.”
"Yes but at what cost? It takes land to bury those people."
"And then their bones can help fertilize the earth. It's the circle of life sweetheart."
"This isn't Lion King, chill with the references."
"Nah, I just like the song darling."
"Yes I'm aware of that."
"I would hope so."
"As a fellow Broadway dork, I assumed so."
"Lion King as a play was actually really good."
"I prefer the movie still but yeah, it was pretty good."
"Oh yeah the movie was way better, but the musical is good as well."
"That it is, I won't disagree with that."
"Glad, I would've fought you otherwise."
"And that wouldn't have been fun at all."
"It might have been, we'll never know."
"Well that wouldn't be good for the children, I know that."
"Yeah, that's a good point."
"Let me at least give birth first."
"Okay, and then we can have our great Lion King argument."
"And it will be glorious."
"And hopefully not bloody."
"Extremely hopefully."
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