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forum School RP 2 (Closed Stalkers are welcome even if I still don't believe they exist...)
Started by Deleted user

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Deleted user

He’s a fucking dog what do you want? Why the hell is she scared? Convel asked all the questions Ryan would never imagine asking on his own.

Deleted user

Well I can’t fix her. It’s just like how on the next full moon she won’t just magically be able to get Ryan back. I don’t know what to do, Ryan does.

Deleted user

I don’t understand you people. I really don’t get it. She can’t handle going too deep into a conversation?


"Call it cowardice or call it self preservation, whatever it is, it hurts too much and she backs off. It's an emotion she doesn't want to remember." "Something that touches on more than just this. Something she really doesn't want to think about at any costs."

Deleted user

Shes being ridiculous about this Cooper thing. God forbid he dies but GOD FORBID WE TALK TO HIM. One thing I know is that this issue bothers Ryan too, he hates grudges but he doesn’t want this to happen to her. He doesn’t talk about and she doesn’t break down.


Lillian couldn't help them, they just happened when he kissed her neck.

Darren chuckled and looked her in the eyes, “You sound like you’re enjoying yourself,”

"So what if I am?" Lillian smirked a little.

"Hmm, sassy, huh? Be careful," he chided.

"Why should I be careful?" Lillian felt her smirk grow a little.


"Fuck it, I'm done. I'm taking her back." "What?!" "I didn't fight my way up from the bottom to deal with bullshit like this!" And in a flash of light, she was gone. Replaced by the white and gold queen, looking rather pissed. "You've GOT to be kidding me. She didn't fight her way up from the bottom to deal with this? I didn't fight my way up from the bottom to deal with her! But here we are!" She sighed. "Tell me, how desperate are you to have her back?"

Deleted user

"Fuck it, I'm done. I'm taking her back." "What?!" "I didn't fight my way up from the bottom to deal with bullshit like this!" And in a flash of light, she was gone. Replaced by the white and gold queen, looking rather pissed. "You've GOT to be kidding me. She didn't fight her way up from the bottom to deal with this? I didn't fight my way up from the bottom to deal with her! But here we are!" She sighed. "Tell me, how desperate are you to have her back?"

Convel sighed. Literally paralyzed on the floor he was a bit indifferent and given he hadn’t eaten I awhile, straight up pissy.

Deleted user

Lillian couldn't help them, they just happened when he kissed her neck.

Darren chuckled and looked her in the eyes, “You sound like you’re enjoying yourself,”

"So what if I am?" Lillian smirked a little.

"Hmm, sassy, huh? Be careful," he chided.

"Why should I be careful?" Lillian felt her smirk grow a little.

“Hey I’m just warning you,”

Deleted user

"I'm not tired…"

"I beg to differ…"

"Mmm…" she hummed, nuzzling her nose into his neck.

Deleted user

"So it's an empty threat?"

He took a step back his eyes looking a little hollow. “It’s not an empty threat,”

Deleted user

"I'm not tired…"

"I beg to differ…"

"Mmm…" she hummed, nuzzling her nose into his neck.

Cooper sighed, “Go to sleep darling,” he rubbed her back slowly and stared at the wall.


"I'll take that as a not very. I'll be back when you're done…dying or whatever and actually human to ask again. See ya!" And in another flash of light, she was gone.

Deleted user

Lillian could see the hollowness and felt a pit in her stomach form, "Of course it's not."

“Wait no hang on. I need to sit down for a second,”

Deleted user

"I'll take that as a not very. I'll be back when you're done…dying or whatever and actually human to ask again. See ya!" And in another flash of light, she was gone.


Deleted user

"I'm not tired…"

"I beg to differ…"

"Mmm…" she hummed, nuzzling her nose into his neck.

Cooper sighed, “Go to sleep darling,” he rubbed her back slowly and stared at the wall.

"Je ne suis pas fatigué," she replied with a heavy sigh.


"I'll take that as a not very. I'll be back when you're done…dying or whatever and actually human to ask again. See ya!" And in another flash of light, she was gone.


Nothing. Silence. Much like the girl they created, each of the Queen's were very stubborn.


Lillian could see the hollowness and felt a pit in her stomach form, "Of course it's not."

“Wait no hang on. I need to sit down for a second,”

Lillian nodded and walked over to him, "Okay."

Deleted user

"I'm not tired…"

"I beg to differ…"

"Mmm…" she hummed, nuzzling her nose into his neck.

Cooper sighed, “Go to sleep darling,” he rubbed her back slowly and stared at the wall.

"Je ne suis pas fatigué," she replied with a heavy sigh.

“Shhh, get some rest. For me?”