forum School RP 2 (Closed Stalkers are welcome even if I still don't believe they exist...)
Started by Deleted user

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Deleted user

They got back to the safe house and Cooper sighed as they entered.

“What?” Fleur whispered.

“Nothing. We should get Lina and go home,” the color had come back to his face and he wasn’t sore anymore.

Deleted user

Her hands laid on her stomach and she squeezed them lightly. Her mind was racing with a thousand different thoughts and she couldn't figure out any of them.

He looked over at her, “Every thing okay?”

Deleted user

They got back to the safe house and Cooper sighed as they entered.

“What?” Fleur whispered.

“Nothing. We should get Lina and go home,” the color had come back to his face and he wasn’t sore anymore.

“Okay,” Fleur replied softly and went over to get Lina. “Nous allons maintenant.

Deleted user

"Yeah, I'm fine. I think." She closed her eyes, was the room supposed to be spinning?

He took her hand lightly, “Breath,”

Deleted user

Ryan hummed softly, he wasn’t sure what happened but he could feel the anxiety from her.

Deleted user

(Side note. If any of the characters get pregnant, don’t tell me. Make it a surprise. Lol)

Deleted user

She forced her brain to stop, this was ridiculous. She opened her eyes and everything was still.

He just looked up and watched her quietly.

Deleted user

They got back to the safe house and Cooper sighed as they entered.

“What?” Fleur whispered.

“Nothing. We should get Lina and go home,” the color had come back to his face and he wasn’t sore anymore.

“Okay,” Fleur replied softly and went over to get Lina. “Nous allons maintenant.


She forced her brain to stop, this was ridiculous. She opened her eyes and everything was still.

He just looked up and watched her quietly.

"Having fun staring?" She chuckled.

Deleted user

She forced her brain to stop, this was ridiculous. She opened her eyes and everything was still.

He just looked up and watched her quietly.

"Having fun staring?" She chuckled.

“The view is breathtaking,”

Deleted user

"Meh. 6/10, not bad but needs improvement."

“No it doesn’t.”

Deleted user

"Meh. 6/10, not bad but needs improvement."

“No it doesn’t.”

"That's what you think."

“You’re right. That is my opinion,”