"Cooper's new girl friend," Lillian held Ryan upright. The dude looked like he could fall over with a blow, "And my um friend."
"Cooper's new girl friend," Lillian held Ryan upright. The dude looked like he could fall over with a blow, "And my um friend."
To actually accept it and leave me alone! "I don't know…"
"I was going to apologize but I think we're both pretty tired of the words 'I'm sorry' coming out of my mouth so," She should be fucking grateful that someone cared enough to go save her ass.
"Cooper's new girl friend," Lillian held Ryan upright. The dude looked like he could fall over with a blow, "And my um friend."
"Your friend? Who's your friend?" he sighed, "Cooper has a girlfriend? What am I missing?"
She was grateful but she also wouldn't have minded if everyone had just left her to die.
Lillian groaned, "I'm trying not to say their names. In case their listening or some shit like that."
"Pourquoi es-tu ici? Tu es très gentil."
"Merci, ma dame, mais j'ai peur d'avoir été forcé de venir ici. Quelque chose au sujet de mon Français parlant couramment qui pourrait être utile à ces gens."
Fleur lowered her voice. "Voulez-vous échapper avec nous?"
"Vous… Tu ferais ça? Pour un étranger comme moi?" Lina was so happy that no one else could understand French.
"Bien sûr! Vous êtes très gentil et j'espère que mes amis viendront bientôt. Vous êtes plus que bienvenu pour nous rejoindre," Fleur replied, trying her best to not look excited. She was supposed to be being interrogated after all.
She was grateful but she also wouldn't have minded if everyone had just left her to die.
Well she should stop being salty just because it's Cooper who saves her and her husband. "Do you wanna play a game?"
Lillian groaned, "I'm trying not to say their names. In case their listening or some shit like that."
"ohhh gotcha, if they're listening then we're screwed," he laughed.
"Pourquoi es-tu ici? Tu es très gentil."
"Merci, ma dame, mais j'ai peur d'avoir été forcé de venir ici. Quelque chose au sujet de mon Français parlant couramment qui pourrait être utile à ces gens."
Fleur lowered her voice. "Voulez-vous échapper avec nous?"
"Vous… Tu ferais ça? Pour un étranger comme moi?" Lina was so happy that no one else could understand French.
"Bien sûr! Vous êtes très gentil et j'espère que mes amis viendront bientôt. Vous êtes plus que bienvenu pour nous rejoindre," Fleur replied, trying her best to not look excited. She was supposed to be being interrogated after all.
"Merci, ma dame! Je ne pouvais pas être plus reconnaissant!"
Lillian laughed a little with him, "Come on let's get out of here. The sooner the better."
She was grateful but she also wouldn't have minded if everyone had just left her to die.
Well she should stop being salty just because it's Cooper who saves her and her husband. "Do you wanna play a game?"
"Depends on the game." She chuckled.
She was grateful but she also wouldn't have minded if everyone had just left her to die.
Well she should stop being salty just because it's Cooper who saves her and her husband. "Do you wanna play a game?"
"Depends on the game." She chuckled.
"Any game, I don't care. Truth or Dare, Never have I ever, a board game, a card game. I want a pass time,"
Lillian laughed a little with him, "Come on let's get out of here. The sooner the better."
"We have to find Darren and Fleur,"
"Merci, ma dame! Je ne pouvais pas être plus reconnaissant!"
"De rien, mon ami. Nous devons sortir d'ici rapidement."
"Hmm…I'm feeling some ERG(or S I really don't remember. It's a card game that I played on Thanksgiving. Google it, it's actually a lot of fun). Sound good?"
Lillian sighed, he said the names, "Yeah we do. I'm honestly surprised no one has found out your gone yet."
"Merci, ma dame! Je ne pouvais pas être plus reconnaissant!"
"De rien, mon ami. Nous devons sortir d'ici rapidement."
"Ah. Droit. J'ai failli oublier ça. Nous devrions le faire."
"Hmm…I'm feeling some ERG(or S I really don't remember. It's a card game that I played on Thanksgiving. Google it, it's actually a lot of fun). Sound good?"
He walked over to a cabinet and threw the cards on the table, "Fine,"
Lillian sighed, he said the names, "Yeah we do. I'm honestly surprised no one has found out your gone yet."
"I don't care anymore," Ryan sighed, his weak knees giving out every now and then as they walked.
"Prepare to get your hand chopped off. You've seen me play this before, you know how intense I get." She chuckled.
(Where is Darren?)
(Are you talking about Egyptian Ratscrew?)
(Where is Darren?)
(Pacing and looking for Fleur)
Lillian nodded, "Yeah. I think if we get out of here the others can find us easily."
"Prepare to get your hand chopped off. You've seen me play this before, you know how intense I get." She chuckled.
He smiled a little and looked down at his hands, "You're on,"
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