forum romance one on one
Started by @Star_Girls_puppers_was_attacked

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"going to jail and leaving you to take care of a child? Ya that was my fault. You have a better chance at being happy with Jesse then you ever did with me."


"All the more reason for you to be with him. he makes you happy, he's good for you and Cerise. I could never live up to that, no matter how hard I try."


"I love you too Harley, you and the kid. More than I could ever explain. But I'm not good for you." He sighed and closed his book, not being able to concentrate anymore


"really? you want her to know a criminal? one that left her mother because of a mistake he made? She doesn't deserve that."


"you've done pretty well with my brother. You weren't thinking of of me when you were with him. I know that."


Harley wiped her tears and Called Alex. he was gonna watch Cerise. Once Alex was there she took off in her car holding back the tears. A semi had spun off the road hitting her making the car flip she layed there unconsious hanging upside down by now the news and the cops were there.


Chance drove over to the scene once he had heard about it on the radio. "Sir you can't go fowards."
"Please, I know her, is she alive? Where's the child?"