forum romance one on one
Started by @Star_Girls_puppers_was_attacked

people_alt 59 followers


"darn, I've got psychology, time to get into people's minds." he said with a half smile "I'll see you after class," he said, standing and grabbing his things. He slid the $20 from before to her "you don't owe me anything." he said before walking off to his class


Chace sat in his usual spot "If only people could read minds," was written on the board
Haha no, no one wants to read my mind. he thought with a smile


The bell rang once, signaling the end. Chace was already outside the building, waiting for Harley to come out.


"Well shoot, now I'm screwed." he said, glancing at her proudly "and what if I ever want to steal or shake things up a bit?"


"Alright, so have a couple more weeks to wreak havoc before my girlfriend can legally cuff me…I can manage." He smiled slyly


He laughed and got in the passenger side "You should be worried…" he sang, mimicking her voice from before


He caught her hand and pulled her close "you should know better than that," he said, close to her ear