forum romance one on one
Started by @Star_Girls_puppers_was_attacked

people_alt 59 followers


"fantastic," he groaned and adjusted his hold on the dog "it's all right girly," he muttered softly to the dog in his arms


The sole reason Chace didn't jump up from his seat and beat the guy into a pulp was the dog in his lap "I'm making you Sanity if no one claims you." He muttered gently to the dog, who licked his hand


The sole reason Chace didn't jump up from his seat and beat the guy into a pulp was the dog in his lap "I'm nameing you Sanity if no one claims you." He muttered gently to the dog, who licked his hand


He glanced up at her "you promised what?" He asked faintly, not being able to believe what they had heard