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forum Rolegay Babes: On The Road! (CLOSED but y'all can stalk)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

people_alt 5 followers

Deleted user

(I was skimming through and saw "yes daddy" then my brain went "no daddy" and stopped reading lmao)


Aiden shoved Kaz lightly. 'Hey, we're not weird! Just different from you American guys. I heard that you guys heat your water in a microwave when making tea, and you don't use kettles… now, that's weird.'


"Hey, I use a kettle like a normal European, thank you. You forget I spent the first 12 years of my life in Germany."


'Oh, yeah, forgot about that,' replied Aiden. He sipped his drink and finished off the cider. 'Holy shit, I drink too fast.'



Leon drowsy pops his head over the backseat, hair tussled and eyes sleep deprived, mumbling a, "We there yet? Are we even drivin? C'mon guys, you s'possed to tell me when you gonna make out." He pouts, rather comically.


Aiden turned round to poke Leon between their eyebrows. 'Chill, we only got going about twenty minutes ago. Do you know how far London is from Devon?'