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forum PJO/HOO Roleplay
Started by @charkieshark

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"I'm not a green smurf!" Rikard yelled. He could see Jude shaking his head. He wasn't giving up his advantage and going down to fight hand to hand.


“You are so!” As she turned around, she got an idea and scrambled off the vines to the tree, crawling up it fairly quickly. At the top, she was much closer to Rikard and jumped for the vines, pulling herself as far up as possible.


She slipped and cursed. “Can you not?” Beneath them, Kyna threw ajude off of her and threw her sword up, slicing through more vines, causing everyone to fall as ajude tackled her again. “Ow.”


Rikard lost his balance, crashing off the pillar of vines and landing on top of Kyna, Jude and Freyja. He moaned.


“Thanks, Kyna. Really appreciate it,” Freyja said drily, pulling a leaf out of her hair. “Did we win, at least?”

The twins looked at each other and shrugged. “Stalemate,” ajude suggested.


"You guys ok?" Rikard queried. He tried to make the branches and vines retract, but he'd totally burned himself out. Chiron was probably going to be annoyed.


“Yeap,” Kyna said, struggling out of the vines. “You?”
Jude was fumbling around, making sure he didn’t cut himself on any discarded weapons.


"I'm ok. Just… overexerted. And I can't get the vines out of here, so Chiron and Mr D are probably going to kill me."


“Theyr’e pissed at us for some reason or another on a daily basis,” Kyna said, falling back and lying down. “How the hell did Freyja get out so fast?”


Rikard laughed. He saw something out of the corner of his eye, and spun around, surprised. "Uh… who's that flying over there?"


“Ow ow ow my arms, my face, my life.” Jayden muttered, he could fly, but could not land. At all. But hey he improved, no broken bones! He sat one the ground for a minute before using his legs to stand up.