Yay, we all love Percy Jackson. Anyone can join and anything can happen. At least keep this PG-13. Follow the template below.
Godly Parent:
Year in Camp:
Also keep a balance between Males and Females.
Name: Zoe Melana
Godly Parent: Hades
Camp: Half-Blood
Gender: Girl
Year in Camp: Just arrived
Weapon: Double-headed axe preferably, but anything will do.
Appearance: Long black, messy hair, hazel eyes, black leather jacket, a skull shirt underneath, ripped jeans, combat boots and gloves.
Personality: Is shy and secretive, but once you get to know her, she can be outgoing and energetic and also very sarcastic.
(Sorry for the detail; I really get into these things. Also, I added an 'Other:' category to my character, as I felt it was needed.)
Name: Robin "Locksley" Durand)
Age: 17
Godly Parent: Epione [minor greek goddess of stopping of pain; wife of Asclepius (minor god of healing), but Asclepius isn't Robin's father]
Camp: Half-Blood
Gender: Male
Year in Camp: 5
Weapon: Xiphos
Appearance: Light brown, shaggy, layered hairstyle; slight tan; pale blue-gray eyes; 5'11; mesomorph-endomorph mix; wears a maroon t-shirt and blue jeans
Personality: Enjoys using sarcasm when he can get a word in; he's rather quiet. Was really annoyed by his nickname at first; was applied to him first in grade school, and then "rediscovered" at Camp Half-Blood. It is a source of embarrassment for him, for one because he doesn't even use a bow. Bottles up his emotions in a harmful way. Can be tunnel-visioned, and sometimes lazy.
Other: Suffers mild depression on and off. Has minor ADHD like most demigods, but doesn't have dyslexia. Due to his parentage, he can sooth emotional and physical hurts. He's surprised he's lasted this long; he has this morbid assumption that he'll be killed by some monster any day now. He's trying to get up the courage to tell his adoptive parents who his birth mom is before it's too late.)
( Yay, someone actually found this! Now I have to wait for more lovely people to join.)
( You know what just make a template, don't ask anymore.)
(I usually go for Hades as a parent, but I saw you, @Nerd_Girl2.0, had him, and so I thought I'd bring a little more "diversity" into the RP; I'm guessing Poseidon, Athena, and Hades are going to be rather popular.)
[I'm going to bring more of Robin's background in later. At first I went crazy and made up and typed his (practically) entire life's story in the one post; that's why there are some information gaps.]
Name: Travis Scott
Age: 15
Godly Parent: Erebus (minor god of darkness and shadow)
Camp: half-blood
Gender: male
Year in Camp: first
Weapon: likes knives
Appearance: pitch black hair, eyes that seem to change color, pale, skinny but fit, likes to wear black/grey
Personality: likes to blend with the background, sneaky, serious most of the time
( I guess, I only went with him because he was my actual godly parent. Also I want a variety on here, but more then one person could have the same parent. Although there can't be a lot of the Big 3.)
(Erebus is a favorite of mine! I like. :P)
(Thanks. I just looked up greek gods and he caught my attention, so…)
Name: Calla Tonjes
Age: 15
Godly Parent: Kratos
Camp: half-blood
Gender: Female
Year in Camp: 7
Weapon: large metal cane
Appearance: curly brown hair that reaches her shoulders, grey eyes, 5'3", clothing style is comfortable
Personality: Innocent, sweet, nice, but don't let her appearance fool you, she'll kill in the blink of an eye.
Other: Deaf
(I'm not trying to be picky, but isn't Kratos technically only a personification of power, not an actual god? Ex. Thanatos is the personification of death.)
(I'm not trying to be picky, but isn't Kratos technically only a personification of power, not an actual god? Ex. Thanatos is the personification of death.)
(Well yeah, and Nike is the personification of victory, but also the god of victory)
(it says here: KRATOS was the god or personified spirit (daimon) of strength, might, power and sovereign rule. He and his three siblings–Nike (Victory), Bia (Force) and Zelos (Rivalry)–were the winged enforcers of the god Zeus, angel-like beings who stood in attendance of the heavenly throne.
( OK people we can't just all be children of death. Right now I want only 2 so pick some god else. Sorry.)
(Okay so… let me get this straight. You have one big three and then a bunch of minor gods..? I’ll make one of the twelve.)
(I'm not trying to be picky, but isn't Kratos technically only a personification of power, not an actual god? Ex. Thanatos is the personification of death.)
(Well yeah, and Nike is the personification of victory, but also the god of victory)
(it says here: KRATOS was the god or personified spirit (daimon) of strength, might, power and sovereign rule. He and his three siblings–Nike (Victory), Bia (Force) and Zelos (Rivalry)–were the winged enforcers of the god Zeus, angel-like beings who stood in attendance of the heavenly throne.
(I guess it depends on which encyclopedia/site you check.)
(Hey, is this one still open?)
Name: Paola Eveline.
Age: 17
Godly Parent: Pasithea; minor goddess of rest, hallucination, and meditation.
Camp: half-blood
Gender: Female
Year in Camp: 1
Weapon: Throwing knives
Appearance: Really curly dark brown hair, olive skin, green eyes, 5'7, clothing style is usually comfortable, but fashionable. Has a golden septum nose piercing.
Personality: Funny, bubbly, likes to meditate, a passion for photography, has undiagnosed anxiety. She has the ability to create hallucinations and calm people down.
(When does this officially start?)